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*Dedicated to -ziall_horlik for being such a committed reader! Thank you gurl!*

Yo! Just a warning, this book is gonna be a lot more raw than my other ones. Street life is cruel.

Warning: Explicit ^^ picture of a meth user. 


<<Niall's POV>>

That night, we passed out the food and we all ate, talking about the day. Liam and Louis said that it was a good day. Zayn got some hygiene products and told Harry to take the clothes out for a wash. I learned the way to prevent mold and other nasty shit was that to wash all of our clothes and blankets, especially in the summer like here.

"Do you remember summer '09?" Louis asked as he laid down to rest. "Wanna go back there every night." He sighed.

"What's so special about that time?" I asked.

"It was when my family was still good, before there was corruption. Before there was the terror." Louis explained.

"The place to fill your tears, the place to lose you fears, it's our paradise." Zayn sighed.

"Who you gonna go with tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked. I was confused.

"Who are you gonna go with tomorrow, answer him." Zayn said, cocking his head back.

"Um," I said. Nicki rolled her eyes.

"Go with Liam." Nicki commanded. Liam gaped.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"That means you better get to sleep, Niall, 'cause you're gonna be waking up early tomorrow." Harry advised. I sighed. I don't know if I'll ever get used to this.

<<The next day>>

"Yo, wake up." Liam woken me up, with a whack on the head.

"What?" I groaned. I shook my head. Ugh, I was so tired. But I got up and looked at my watch. It was about four in the morning.

"We need to get to the smurf by four thirty." Liam said. I sighed. I got up and ready anyways. We got some breakfast on the way from a small stand. Then Liam and I trotted to a local pharmacy. Or I should say far away. It took such a long time to get there. I was practically sprinting for fifteen minutes straight, tripping several times in the dark. No wonder Liam stayed so fit, if he was running like this everyday. We went through the city and into the small suburbs. I noticed all of Liam's tattoos and his calloused hands. I looked closer under the streetlight and looked at the scars that the tattoos covered.

It was a typical pharmacy when we got there. Small and family owned, or so it seemed, next to a pizza palour and a tanning salon. Liam told me to stay hidden. The pharmacy looks as if it was closed, no lights on and it said 'CLOSED.' The pharmacist was already suspect of being corrupt. Which she is. Liam went in the back doors and returned in a few seconds with a small bag the he put in his pocket.

"Now what?" I whispered. It was dark out and I saw nobody out on the suburban streets

"We get this shit out there." Liam whispered. The bag was so small, like it could fit in my hand. He trotted to a small neighborhood, where it looks as if the streets were empty.

"Be careful, there's a lot of pavement apes here." He whispered. The houses were so shabby and nasty. A few of them had lights on.

"Okay, what about the police?" I asked

I Don't Need My Heart *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now