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<<Zayn's POV>>

<<Three weeks later>>

After adjusting to the new move, which was not really a big deal, because, well, we need to move all the time. After Nicki left us, things wasn't the same. Things just weren't. But I couldn't let that affect me. Just like everything else in my past, I just couldn't let that be another thing from keeping me down. I was meant to rise. Like a phoenix. I was born to rise from my ashes and reborn from everything that's burned me down. I am fireproof.

As for Niall, well he's been a bit more emotional. And I can't let that stand in the way. I have to make extra now. Since Nicki's funds are gone, we all have to make up. Luckily, it only took a few days and a couple of roofies to get him a new supplier. He's finding his customers now. Mostly by spiking his opponents. He's prospering, and rising.

Louis' on his own now. His former partner. Pablo or something like that. Well, Louis ditched him and is on his own. He's the king here, taking power after Nicki. Mostly because he makes the most funds. Cardi found work immediately, befriending, then backstabbing a bunch of hoes to climb to the top. She's gotta do what she has to do. She's a business lady. Cardi came to win, to fly, to conquer, to thrive.

Harry was the same. He wasn't making much, and I could tell that he wished that he could do some more. He's really beating himself up, for not doing well. Even with Niall's help, he wasn't doing good.

"Hey, howdy." Liam said, as we bunched up for mealtime. Louis worked at night, so Cardi didn't sleep alone. Louis woke up and stretched.

"Oh, hi." He mumbled, as he transitioned to the new work hours. Harry had brought fried chicken for the fourth time this week. Niall brought some leftover rice from an halal pakistani restaurant. Since they were Muslims, and well, so was I once, they gave out food to the poor. Living up and climbing the pillars. Something I could never do. We sat in the circle, with Louis' red truck blocking the entrance of the alley, giving up protection. He bought a tarp for it, so it'll last longer.

"Hey Zayn, how's everything going?" Louis asked. He was becoming more concerned for all of us. He was with Nicki longest and knew her the best. But other than me, he seemed least affected by it. But he seemed well, he was getting a shipment of thirty pounds of ivory, from slaughtered rhinos, elephants and narwhals yesterday, and he made a few thousand dollars last night. Though he had to spend a few hundred to bribe the border gaurds.

"Eh, I could use some habo." I sighed. As much as I didn't like to admit it, I was so accustomed to Niall's help, that when he transitioned to work with Harry, it was harder and riskier to make my qwap.

"You heard him, I suppose I'll have to let you go." Harry sighed. "I need to find a new job." He sighed.

"Be a con, they make lots," Cardi said. "Plus, you meet lots of people."

"No, ripping people off isn't right." Harry sighed. He had such a conscience.

"Look. You gotta do what you gotta do, I do whatever it takes." I said. "I did con for a while, it got in several grands, remember, Louis?" I asked.

"What happened?" Niall asked.

"Nothing." I quickly snapped.

"You could be a counterfeiter. They get lots of moolah." Liam suggested. "I could hook you up to a bank, I know one who needs a young face."

"No, I-I-I." Harry stuttered. "No, I won't do that,"

"Harry's right, police makes fidlem bens harder." I said. "Remember those blue cheese on them benjis?" I said. "And yes, I know from experience, Niall, I know the trade." I looked at Niall.

I Don't Need My Heart *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now