Chapter 1

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Tsuki's POV
Finally I made it to this Hell hole. Yup. I'm at Cross Academy. The school for rich smart asses. I'm not smart or rich. It turns out my parents knew Headmaster. He said that he was sorry for my loss and now I'm in this school because of the loss of my parents.

I walked to the Headmasters office. I smelled my way there. I knocked. "Who is it?" I heard that fluffy, happy voice call. "Is it that much of surprise dumb.." I got cut off by him opening the door and engulfing me in a hug. I'm lucky he missed my tail and that my ears were in my hood. "Where's Yuki and Zero?" "I found my way myself. Thank you very much." "Oh.. Okay." I swear nothing could upset this man.

We started talking about my school plan. I heard the door creak open. I kept my poker face on as I always did. I didn't like my emotions;they always got me in trouble. "Kaname..." "I'm sorry. I should have knocked. I didn't know you had someone else in here." I chimed in with "I didn't know this school had vampires. This world is full of surprises. Ain't it."(sorry I don't know if anyone else says that. It might just be me and the southern part of me talking.) They both just stared at me. I broke the silence when I said " the night class is full of aristocrats and one pure blood. Am I wrong?" Headmaster started "No, Tsuki you're right, but how do you know?" I answered with this simple phrase. "I put two and two together." This was the first time I had turned around. Kaname stared into my blue eyes as if he was trying to read my soul. Which was impossible because I had left all my emotions in the coffin of my parents.

Kaname's POV
I walked into the Headmaster's office to see the Headmaster talking to someone. "Kaname.." "I'm sorry. I should have knocked. I didn't know you had someone else in here." The Girl added " I didn't know this school had vampires. This world is full of surprises. Ain't it?" I looked at her something was off about her. Her voice was flat and monotone. She apparently had more to say. "The night class is full of aristocrats and one pure blood. Am I wrong?" She was one cocky girl. "No, Tsuki you're right, but how did you know?" So her name was Tsuki. I was interested to hear what she had to say to that one. "I put two and two together." It wasn't that simple. I stared at her as she had turned around for the first time. Her face was so monotone and emotionless. I knew I kept a monotone face, but everyone knows I have emotions. What could screw up her life that bad to make her like that. "I should probably get to sleep, Headmaster. One of us does start class tomorrow." She then glared at me. "Yes, of course. Your stuff is in your room. I would like to talk to you in the morning." She replied with an "Of course." Then left. " Yes Kaname?" "Something's off about her." "Both her parents just died and her brother's in the military. She's going through a hard time. Her mom warned me if something like this happened that she would give up her emotions."

Time Skip To the Next Day

Tsuki's POV
I woke up at 4 am. Luckily I didn't have a roommate. I got dressed in my new black uniform. It contrasted to the white night class uniform. I put on a black beanie. That hid my ears. Since I was wearing a skirt I had my tail rap around my butt and hold it. I walked to the Headmaster's office in hopes that he was awake. I knocked and to my surprise he actually opened the door without asking who it was. I gave him a questioning look. "I assumed it was you. I was curious if you would be a disciplinary committee member. You would have to keep the fan girls and boys back from the night class and patrol the area at night. Can you do that?" "Yeah. No problem. Is that all?" "One more thing Kaname wants to talk to you before class starts." "Okay." I responded as I left for the moon dormitory.

I walked in. "Yo Kaname." I yelled out. Probably a wrong move since there was a blond vampire sitting on the couch. "How dare you disrespect Lord Kaname?" "Hey. I'm Tsuki." I said. My voice still hasn't left it's monotone sound once. "I'm Hanabusa Aido. And why are you here?" "Oh your wonderful Lord Kaname requested me before classes started." I used the words wonderful and Lord sarcastically. He seemed to glare at me even more. Except the sounds of Kaname walking downstairs made us both look in his direction. Aido bowed and politely said "Lord Kaname." "Yo. So, why the hell did you want to talk to me?" I could feel Aido glaring daggers at me. If only looks could kill. If daggers and bullets could pierce my skin. "Everything about you is off and you could be a danger to the people I care about." "Yes, I'm so very dangerous because last time I checked human vs vampire the winner is vampire." He stared into my blue eyes knowing that everything I just said was sarcastic. "If that is all one of us has to find there way around the school and to there classes." "I will be keeping a close eye on you." Shit. How am I supposed to transform on full moons or when I get really pissed. "Aido go watch her." I heard Kaname say to Aido has I closed the door. I started to walk back when I realized it was mere luck that I found my way here and that I would need help finding my to the school. "Shit." I mumbled under my breath. I smelled Aido. "Aido come out and will you help me to my classes." He came out and said that he would help me.

Thx guys for reading here is my first chapter I will try to publish once a week. I will also try to make every chapter over 1000 words. I will take suggestion and thx a million for reading this book.

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