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Tsuki's POV

"Tsuki, my love." I sighed in disgust. I put up a smile. He didn't know that I had gone emotionless. Plus I have to make him love me. "Sasaki, this is.." I was cut off when Kaname pulled me into a side hug. "Who are you?" Kaname's voice was firm and powerful. "Back off, Kaname. He's the new student." The one time Zero had terrible timing.

I wiggled out of Kaname's grasp. "I must be getting to class. Zero you can take Sasaki to the Headmaster." "It's your job too. You're apart of the Disciplinary Committee." I stared at Zero. He had just pissed me off on a whole new level. "Plus you blew off your duties last night." "Ohh. So you have an important job here, my love?" "Let's just get going." "What's the matter you still upset about what happened so long ago?" "Tsuki, why does he keep calling you his lover?" "Ohh. I get it now. These vampires don't know who you truly are. Why don't you tell them? We're all monsters in human form. Isn't that right Tsuki?" "SHUUUUTTT UUUPPPP!!! You have no right to determine if they know." I through a punch at him. He went flying back at least 10 feet. "You take him Zero." "Yeah. Okay."

Kaname stared at me. "Got anything to say?" I nodded my head yes. "Yeah. Keep Sasaki away from me." I started to walk to class with Kaname on my tail. "Why does he call you his love?" "My family wants to marry me off to him for social rankings." "What he do to you so long ago?" I didn't respond. At that point we had gotten to the school. "Bye, Kaname. Unless you want to deal with all the fan girls." I walked in to the school. As the door closed behind me I could see Kaname stand there. "Ughhh." I sighed. "TSUUUUUKKKKKIIII!!!!!" I heard Yuki's voice. "Where were you last night?" "I was out, but you don't have to worry about me. I promise. Sorry I worried you."

We walked to class with Yuki talking about a lot of things that I didn't particularly care to listen to. We got to class and I sat down in my usual spot in the very back corner by the window. To my surprise Zero sat next to me. I looked at him and he just kept looking forward. I feel bad he's probably doing this for me and he wants to watch Yuki. "Go watch over Yuki." "Huh." He turned and looked at me. I said it again. He stared at me almost asking if I'll be fine. I nodded. "Go." He did as told. At that moment Sasaki walked in. "Class we have a new student. Please introduce yourself." The teachers voice boomed. It was never as strong as Kaname's. "My name's Sasaki Yonosei. Just call me Sasaki." Now if he wasn't an absolute dick I'd say he looked handsome. I could tell all the girls were fan girling if they could get him. "Please find an open seat." As expected he walked up and sat next to me. Zero looked up to me with apologetic eyes. I just nodded back. He looked forward not wanting to see me suffer anymore.

"Ohh. Do you have some secret code." "Piss off." He continued to speak to me until class started and then he would occasionally glance at me. I just stared out the window. I wanted it to be nightfall so I could tell home he had to go the dorms. Class had never felt so long and when the bell rang it was a wipe of relief. I rushed outside. Where Sasaki introduced himself as the new guardian. I'm going to Cross. After the night class went to class I went to stand on the roof.

"It's been a while since I've seen the sun set and not be met by the darkness of the night. But, the light doesn't get far. It peaks out of the clouds." A breeze blew past me. "It is beautiful. Isn't it?" I heard the familiar voice of a person who I was now starting to call friend. "Hey, Kaname." I sighed out. "You're always up at this time and you've never noticed the sunset." "I do it's just that I'm so used to the sun being met with darkness. Even when the sunrises it's met with darkness." "You know you can tell me anything." "Yeah. I know Kaname. That's why I call you a friend." I finished that sentence only to fling my self over the railing. It was a two story fall nothing hard. I patrolled the rest of the night without running into Sasaki and with Kaname watching over me.

Hey Emi-Chan here. Sorry this took forever to post. I know it's short. It's just below 800 words, but I felt like that was a good ending for the chapter. I hope you enjoyed. I wrote because I had a 3 hour bus drive one way. I left school at 5am and I'll get back to school at 9pm.
Enjoy your day, night,afternoon, whatever.

Canine at Cross Academy(Vampire Knight fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now