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Tsuki's POV
I woke up feeling awful. I was tired and exhausted, but now I had a boyfriend.
After the whole *cough**cough* incident, Aido and I continued to dance as if nothing happened. In the middle of a slow song he whispered into my ear asking if I wanted to go to the balcony. I of course said "Why not?" We walked out. He stood in front of me looking as serious as ever. 'Woah Aido, serious. Is he...sick?' He looked nervous and you could see him switching between putting his weight on his right foot, then his left, and then his right foot again. This went on for about 30 seconds with the only sounds being the music and the talking coming from inside the building. He finally said, in a quiet, nervous voice, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I was in complete shock. I started walking back into the building. "Tsuki wait. You have to give me an answer." I stopped for a second and said "I'm going back in there to dance with my boyfriend." He looked so relieved. I could hear him catch his breath which I hadn't noticed he was holding. Of course Inga heard and pushed Aido right back onto the balcony to have "the talk". Sasaki had of course also heard and came over to me to have a different talk. He was pissed especially since we were supposed to date and get married, but now that I'm handing (I'm being voluntold to hand the spot over and not volunteering) he spot of alpha to my brother (because of werewolf law) I don't have to date Sasaki. After "the talks" we danced, drank punch (Aido drank blood tablets), and talked. I didn't get back to my room till almost 3 in the morning. Did I mention I had to get ready for school in 3 hours. That's what I did. I slept for 3 hours and now we're here with me being tired and exhausted.
Back to present time
I sluggishly walked to classes after skipping my shower, getting dressed, morning hygiene stuff, and cleaning off the makeup from last night. To top it off... I was out of coffee. So, here I am coffee less, carrying a bunch of school shit, getting glared down by fangirls, dealing with fangirls who were asking me if it was true that Aido and I were dating (I hate how fast gossip spreads), and regretting having my brother at this school. I swear he ate a bowl of sugar for breakfast because he was HYPER. I'm about ready to murder him, but I gotta get him and his crush together before I kill him. Oh and to top it all off there are vampire hunters in the headmaster's office they were accusing him off murdering Shizuka. I was pissed at Kaname. I thought I told him to deal with it and not have this big shitty mess. Ugh I'll have to talk to him later. As I walked past the office Zero came out. He looked at me growled and then told me to deal with them. In my head I was thinking 'hold up bish. You really think they gonna listen to me. Hahaha, you must be taking some drugs.' But instead I said "Can't. I'll talk to Kaname later though." And I walked to my class.
Time Skip because no one cares about school or Pythagorean theory or whatever you learn
Aido had gotten me coffee and dropped it off at lunch. I was decently energized and I would be able to make it through the night. The night class had left as they always did, but this time Zero ticked off the vampires by saying something bad about Kaname. That's when I knew their would be a fight tonight. My werewolf senses where tingling. I looked over to my brother to see he was looking at me with the same look. We were on hyper vigilance. Which was good because at 11:18:43 (11 o'clock 18 mins into 11 o'clock and it's been 18 mins for 43 secs) the vampires cornered Zero. I was watching from a far, in a tree, thinking Zero could handle it himself. With in the first few seconds. He had his feet frozen to the ground. His gun was on the ground. I jumped down from the tree. "Break it up, break it up." Wow these guys are seriously idiots. Aido looked at me. He was nervous. I have him a sympathetic look. "All of you better get to class, before I beat your ass. Then, I'll get Kaname to beat your ass." Ruka scoffed, Akatsuki rolled his eyes, Rima and Shiki laughed, Aido smiled and kissed my cheek, and the other vampires followed them as they started to walk back to class. Zero was about to walk. "And for you, Zero. You're not off the hook. Get your ass to bed. I think you need the rest. I'll cover for you." Zero nodded and walked away. I walked to find Inga.

15 mins later
I found Inga. "INGA!INGA!" He looked at me shocked and 'hmmed'. "Zero is in his room. You should go check on him and talk to him."
And that's what he did. And with him gone I finished working the night and fell in a deep sleep.

Aido's POV
After class I went to check on Tsuki. She was sleeping peacefully. I could probably play a trombone and open n' close an oven in her ear and she wouldn't hear it.(plz tell me you get the trombone and oven) I couldn't let this moment got to waste. I grabbed my phone a took many photos. I even made one of them my background. I had put a cute teddy bear filter.

(This is the filter Aido used

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(This is the filter Aido used. Lol and yes that ugly thing in that pic is me)
Hey guys I live. I'm doing good. I actually look half ass in that pic, but I'm also going to see my gf preform. I'm so happy and proud of her. Oh and I thought you guys would want a chapter especially with how supportive you guys have been. So yeah
A/N written MUCH later
So, for everyone who commented calling me beautiful. Thank you so much. I just wanna say, trust in the process. I ended up being pretty okay with how I look. This is me now. (under this) So, for anyone struggling with self image, have faith in the process. You will get there. I promise.

 I promise

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