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Tsuki's POV
"It's almost Saint Chocolate's Day, so I'll need you to be on high alert." Zero scoffed, Yuki said "Yes Headmaster.", and I nodded my head. "Okay you're dismissed to get ready for class." We left his office to get ready for class. I had to think of a way to get away from everyone tonight, so I could transform. I got to class first so I just sat around and made sure my tail was in a comfortable position and that my beanie wouldn't come off if someone tried to pull it off. Students slowly started filling in. Some saying good morning to me. I replied back with the same thing. They were discouraged that I meant it because of my blank face and voice.

Time Skip
Boring class had finished and I left to go guard the transition. As usual Yuki and Kaname has their little love thing and Zero and all the girls got mad. Zero got into a fight with the vampires. And Kaname and I had a glaring competition. After the day class went back to the dorms I said "I'll guard by the dorms. You guard by the school." They both nodded. I ran off knowing I didn't have much time. By the time I got there I got to sit down for a minute. Then I transformed.

I started running to the gate when I smelled blood. Yuki's blood to be particular. 'She probably just scraped her hand or something.' I thought and then I smelled two vampires near her. I ran not caring I was in wolf form. I saw them. I ran even faster. I hoped in front of Yuki and growled at Aido. He backed down.Akatsuki and Aido looked scared. They both stared down at me as I crouched down in attack position and growled at them. Zero and Kaname then appeared. I couldn't get caught. I ran. I ran through the gate and out into town. I found a dark alleyway and I slept. I woke up with a note beside me. It was a note from my pack. It said "Meet us tomorrow night we need to discuss who the alpha of are pack will be." I started walking back to the school.

Time Skip
I was late. I didn't get to school till lunch. Mostly because I walked around the town on my way back. "Where were you?" I heard that annoying vampires voice. "And I'm going to assume you actually care or... do you think I did something?" I teased him. "You came from town and it's lunch. I never saw you leave this morning." "That's because I left last night." "You should have been here to protect Yuki." I laughed. "That's your job." "So you know nothing of the dog protecting her." 'Good he thinks it's a dog.' "Sorry. I heard you correctly, right? A dog was protecting Yuki." I giggled. "Thanks for the laugh. Ever since my parents died I gave up my emotions." He stared at me. No, he glared at me. "Well, while I do absolutely love are little glaring competitions and I could do them all day. I must get to class." And I was off to class.

Time Skip
I watched the night class as usual. Then, I went to the gates to go talk to my pack. I made sure no one was around and I was off. After running through town and out the other side I transformed into a wolf. I ran into the woods to find my pack sitting in a circle. No one taking the alphas spot because he was dead. The beta began to talk. "With the death of our alpha and his mate we need a new alpha. The eldest son of the Shimakura family would usual take lead as alpha, but he is away at war fighting as a human. Under circumstance the next born child shall become alpha, but the second born child is a female. We have never had this happen before, so we can to discuss what we should do." I nodded not wanting to seem reckless. "Tsuki please make your speech." I nodded. "Family, Friends as my brother is gone I am put into the position to be alpha. This is your best move. With my brother off at war that makes me the rightful alpha. May I add gender has never effected our social standing." I barked. "Yes, but what about your mate?" The elder barked. "I guess I'll just have to find a mate." I barked. "What about that lovely wolf you dated a long time ago? He is looking for a mate and he is the next alpha of his pack. Uniting are pack might be a good thing. More land to hunt on, more hunters, and more." The other wolves nodded in agreement. I nodded to and barked "I'll give it a try." I knew I would hate him. As I got up to leave the beta's mate, Yuichi, asked me to stay the night and sleep with the pack as the new alpha. We would talk about school situations tomorrow.

Time Skip
I woke up before anyone else in my pack. I started to walk back to school. More like I sprinted back to school. I still had an hour to get ready for school. I wouldn't be taking a shower though. "Were you out in town again this morning?" I heard that questioning yet demanding voice. "Yeah. You got problem with that, Kaname." "No, it's just you didn't leave this morning and Yuki nor Zero saw you last night on patrol." "Well then your all blind because I left early this morning." "When?" "I don't know it was still dark outside." What Tsuki didn't know is that Kaname has been standing by the gate since 8:30. "Tsuki.." A voice cooed. It was the voice of a man she once loved. She would never love this man again. Yet she was being forced to. "Hello Sasaki."

OMG. Finally a chapter. I'm really sorry it took so long it's just that April is a busy month for me. I'm doing a lot of studying for finals in May. I also have two huge projects I'm working on. Thx for your understanding.


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