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Little Author's note
So, I have 5k reads my mind is blown especially since I've been the worst author ever, but I'm actually going to make time and put chapters out weekly...hopefully. (The song has nothing to do with the story I just like it so listen to it if you want) (Slide right and you'll see what dress Tsuki wears and how she does her hair)

Tsuki's POV
Inga's joining classes today. This will be interesting because we have to do exams today. That will determine which class has to decorate for the dance. He's also taking a job as a member of the disciplinary committee. Which will be interesting since we're heading to the gates now. "You're being so quiet Tsuki. What's wrong?" My brother asked in his deep tone of voice. "Just thinking...I guess." "Okay. I'll trust you on this one. Just tell me if something is wrong." "Yeah, okay."

We walked outside and to the gates. Of course every fan girl was there from here to Calamazo. Today instead of the familiar, cold voice of mine they heard my brother's deep, rough voice(does a rough voice make sense, but not like a druggie rough just like a jock rough). All the girls turned around and start to fan girl over my brother. I've got to admit he's the hot cool type. The coolness of Zero and the hotness of Kaname. My brother looked at me and mouth 'help', but I did no such thing. Besides he wouldn't need it anyway. The *cough* *cough* vamps *cough* *cough* 'night class' was here. The girls were rushing to ask them to the ball. Kaname immediately asked Yuki. She of course said "Yes." Zero got crazy protective of course. Now, what really surprised me was when I felt a tap on the back of my shoulder. It was Aido. I was curious to why he was here, but I have a feeling I know why he's here. "Tsukiyuki Shimakura," at the mention of my full name Inga looked at me. Aido continued with the words I thought he was going to say. "Will you go to the dance with me?" You know Aido was growing on me. I looked back at my brother. Aido looked back too. Inga gave me a disapproving look. I gave him the look that said 'come on. He's growing on me.' Then Aido whispers into my ear, "It's not up to your brother, now is it? So, look at me and bass your decision on me not your brother." I turned my head back to Aido. I nodded and said "I'm wearing navy blue." I started to walk away. Without looking back I said as cooly as possible "And my brother owes me the first dance." I never stopped walking, but I knew he nodded and went inside as I walked to my classes.

Aido's POV(hell yes I'm putting this)
I don't know if I can sleep. I was running around telling everyone how Tsuki had said yes. I was so happy. She said she was wearing navy blue. That'll help a lot in planning.

Time Skip (because author-chan is lazy and really just wants to get a chapter out for you guys) To Dance

Tsuki's POV
We had to decorate because it turns out that my brother forgot pretty much everything he learned and Yuki... well let's just say Yuki's Yuki. I had to rush to get dressed and do my hair and makeup. It was not easy, but I had a minute to get a breather before Inga knocked on the door to take me to the dance. I grabbed my armband and ran out. "You look good, but really that stupid vampire." "But aren't you falling for a vampire, too." He turned around in shock. I faked gasped to match his shocked expression. We continued to walk and Inga looked down to the ground. "What's up?" I asked my brother in the voice that told him 'hey dumbass I'm here for you so talk to me'. "You know these people have really opened you up. When Mom and dad died and I left you just... I don't know...clamped up. You were quiet and monotone, but now your smiling and like your old self." He said in his loving voice. I hadn't even noticed how much these people had done for me. Maybe I needed them. Hopefully one day they'll need me. "You know your right." I went silent. "Is something wrong?" Inga asked. "Oh shit. I forgot about Sasaki. Aido beat him to the punch and he wasn't in class." "Man you screwed up." My brother said in a playful tone. "Yeah. I sure as hell did." We continued to walk down to the dance as we laughed and shoved each other. You could here me shout "Hey! Don't do that you'll mess up my hair and makeup." "Oh you mean don't do...this!" We laughed and I tried to run after him in heals.

My brother escorted me into the dance. Everyone paused to look at us. We walked down the steps. We met the rest of the Disciplinary Committee and vampires. We talked for a while with Inga standing next to me and Aido standing behind me and holding my waist so I could lean back with my head on his shoulder and look at him. Inga was still super pissed, but he didn't complain. The first slow song came on. My brother started to walk away. He was in shock went I grabbed his wrist and turned him around. "I made Aido agree to letting us have the first dance." My brother nodded and we dance together. The song ended and we got back together as a group. We noticed Kaname and Yuki disappeared. And Shizuka was never here. I saw Kaname and Yuki on one of the balconies. I relaxed and another slow song came. Aido came up to me and bowed. When he rose he said "May I have the honor of having this dance?" I grabbed his hand and walked out to the dance floor. I could see all the pissed fan girls. We danced until half  way through the song I glanced and saw that Yuki and Kaname had disappeared. I pushed Aido away and rushed out the door following their sent. Aido ran out the building. By the time he made it out I was already gone.

Third Person POV
The night was filled with fighting. At the end of the night Zero had won against his twin brother. Ichiru is going to join the day classes which may cause a problem. Yuki was safe. Aido had found Tsuki, but before he did Tsuki took care of her job. She watched at Kaname almost killed Shizuka until she said "Might not want to kill her, Kaname. Leave it up to the experts. I did tell you it was my job and this is why we were created. Tø kiłł vampires." Tsuki stepped out of the shadows and quickly killed Shizuka. "Drink her blood if you wish. She's dead and it's on my hands so don't worry about getting in trouble. And if they ask about it just say 'all jobs must be completed even if it means death'. It's not your job to kill vampires so you'll be fine." And with that Tsuki walked away to find Aido, apologize, and continue dancing.

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy the chapter. It over a thousand words. I've been a terrible author so please do enjoy and I'll try my hardest to get a chapter a weak.

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