Yolo my lovely readers

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Hello my children. (Imma call you children because y'all need a name so basically this is about three things)

Thing 1- y'all need a name. Like my username is no help. It's literally a lacrosse username and idk if it's 231(my first lax jersey number for the team I play for) or 414 which was my jersey number last year when I created this account so like literally just suggest things and then I'll choose a handful and y'all can vote. Would that work? I guess we'll go with that unless y'all have a better plan.

Thing 2- I don't know if y'all know but like I broke up with my girlfriend awhile ago and I'm really lonely. I miss being in a relationship. So idk what to do because like I wouldn't date any of the gay girls at my school like ughhhhh. And my 2 friends are in a relationship and there absolutely perfect. Like literally today the guy was wearing a hoodie and like any normal person he doesn't wear anything underneath. And the girl was so cold that he left the room went to his locker put on his disgusting(no offense to him but our uniforms are gross) P.E uniform and wore that and gave her his hoodie. Literally they are so cute and goals. So basically that was just a single rant.(Can I also mention I'm an amazing,perfect third wheel... thank you, thank you very much)

Thing 3- so basically I have my third final next Tuesday. Ewwww so that basically means I won't be able to post probs at all because ya know study study study. I think I have at least 10 more finals so wish me luck. (3 or those finals are pals so don't think I'm taking like a million classes I'm not I take 7) so basically that's all just thought I would keep y'all informed and in the loop

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