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Tsuki's POV
I walked into school. Yuki came running to me. "Headmaster wants to see you, Tsuki." I nodded and walked off to the Headmaster's office. I just barged in like always. I stopped mid walk when I saw Kaname. Headmaster was giving me a solemn look. "Tsuki please sit." I walked down and pulled out a chair and sat. I stared into Headmaster's eyes. "Kaname has been questioning why Artemis shocked you." I nodded. I looked up at Kaname. "Does he want to die?"  I glared harshly at Kaname. He returned a just as harsh glare. I sighed. "Screw off Kaname. You don't need to know my life story." I got up and immediately left the room not wanting to be there a minute more.

I walked into class. "Why are you late?" The teacher questioned harshly. I then realized it was a new teacher. "Good morning Mr...." "Yagari." "Well Mr. Yagari I was talking to the Headmaster." "And your name is?" "Tsuki, sir." "Take your seat." I took my seat next to Zero since it was open again. Zero was sleeping again. I poked Zero. "Wake up so you don't get caught, idiot." He dusted my hand off. "We have a new teacher." Zero's head shot up. Zero and Mr.Yagari had a stare off. Then Zero ran out. Yuki shot up and said "I'll go get him. It's my duty as a disciplinary committee." Mr.Yagari nodded. I got up and showed my arm band and walked out. Might as well make this fast and just smell him out. If I needed to. He's obviously in the barn.

Time Skip (after finding Zero and getting his backstory) (after the night class switch)

I watched the moon knowing I would have no energy tomorrow because it's a new moon. Finally I fell asleep at midnight. It took a lot of tossing and turning. I fell asleep remembering that my flute was going to arrive tomorrow. I loved my flute. It is one of the few things that makes me happy, but I wouldn't tell anyone that. I awoke to no energy. The only thing that made me get up was the idea that my flute would be here soon. Then I could play any piece to my hearts content. Maybe play unravel, guren no yumiya, hedwig's theme, ect. I was ready for school an hour before I had to head to school. I just wanted my flute.

Five Minutes Later....

I heard a knock at my door. Yes my flute was here. I played my flute for an hour before I had to go to school. I guess you could call my flute my outlet.

In class...
Sasaki sat next to Zero. Finally I get to sit by myself. As class started Sasaki got up and moved next to me. 'Damn it!' I thought. Now we can't move. Sasaki whispered to me, "You're my girlfriend why are you avoiding me?" "I'm not." I harshly hissed at him. Every word dripping with venom. "Of course you're not..." He shifted so he was looking at me. "Pay attention you two." Mr.Yagari yelled up. I was so happy because for the rest of the day Sasaki left me alone. I had no energy to deal with Sasaki. The only reason he does is because he's probably hornie. The new moon is really killing me.

Time Skip to the switch
Kaname walked out first as always. I was at the end farthest away from the gate. "You look exhausted, Tsuki." "I am. Now piss off." Kaname kept walking and so did the rest of the night class. Every girl in the day class was glaring at me I just shrugged it off. I really just wanted to go home and play my flute. "Hey guys I'm feeling a little sick do you mind if I take the night off?" Zero shook his head no. Yuki fawned over me with all the 'are you okay's and 'do you want me to make you soup' shit. I said no to all. Sasaki just said "I'll take care of you. You ARE MY girlfriend." He emphasized that I was his. "Fuck off." After that I walked back.

Time Skip to one in the morning
I decided to go out side to play my flute. It was late enough that everyone would be asleep. Minus the vampires, but they're in class. I went to play at the bridge as I played a soft piece. I heard clapping after I finished. "Kaname I didn't no you were there." "That was very lovely playing." He remarked. "Thank you." "That flute seems to be your emotional outlet. Every different dynamic is a different color and emotion. Every breath, slur, tongue, articulation is beautiful and graceful. It also has meaning." "You sure do know something about music." "Yes." "Well I'm sorry for bothering you. You should get back to class." He nodded and was off.

Kaname's POV
I heard lovely playing. The whole night class seemed to hear it too. "Can we go find who's playing?" Aido begged me. "I'll go find out myself and then I'll come back and tell you." Aido nodded not wanting to disobey my orders. I walked out and followed the music. It led to Tsuki. I listened behind a tree. She was so deep into her song. She swayed with her playing. It almost seemed as if the water under the bridge did the same. Once she finished I clapped and we started to have a conversation about how her flute was her outlet until she told me to head back to class. When I got back Aido impatiently asked me who was playing. "Tsuki." I simply replied. Everyone looked at me in shock. Monotone, doesn't give a fuck about anyone Tsuki playing the flute. It was a huge shocker, but I made the night class continue with the night in hopes of hearing Tsuki play some more.

Sorry this took forever to post I was having a huge writers block. But here it is. Thanks so much for 1k. I hope you continue to enjoy.
(Lol I was going to put a video of me playing the flute, but it wouldn't work :( I'm sorry)

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