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I'm finally putting this story to rest. Here is the final chapter. (Yes I thought I was gonna write more and I feel like I'm not doing this book or you guys justice but I need to finish it)
Tsuki's POV

The past few months have been crazy. Rido attacked the school and Yuki left with Kaname. Aido left with them. It makes me sad, but I know he's happy. Zero and my brother have gotten together. Zero has actually lightened up, and girls are less afraid of him. With Kaname leaving the night class has been disbanded. Most night class student either followed Kaname or went back to their families. My pack has come to peace with me being the leader and settling in this area with the disappearance of the vampires. The school has been fixed and things are starting to return to normal. I end this tale with graduation day.

Time Skip

After the ceremony, I was walking out of the gates only to see a limo with my name, my brother's, and Zero's. I called Inga knowing he would be with Zero. "Hey bro. I need you and Zero at the gate NOW." He made an 'mhm'  sound before hanging up. I waited 5 awkward minutes until I saw him and Zero. "About time." He rolled his eyes at me. "Yeah, yeah. I know."  He looked to where I was looking. "Who's that?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." We all walked up to the driver for him to open the door. I suddenly felt a weight pushing me down. "Aido!!!!" I was so happy to see him. He held me in a tight hug as Yuki and Kaname walked out. Zero scowled at Kaname and Yuki scolded him. After Yuki scolded him, Zero walked up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. Aido pulled me up off the ground. I walked over to Kaname and hugged him. Inga walked over to Aido and grabbed his hand and pulled him into the half shoulder tap hug that guys do. (You know what I'm talking about) The driver looked to Kaname and said "Shall we go?" And with that he nodded his head. We all got in. The tale ends with Aido and me together, Kaname and Yuki, and Zero and Inga. We moved to the town outside of Cross Academy where we lived for the rest of our lives. We still fought danger and had some disagreements between the team, but things seemed to always work out.

The end
Sad to say this all ends here. I hope you enjoyed the book. Stay hungry, stay foolish.

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