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Tsuki's POV
I woke up the next morning smelling a new pure blood vampire. Shizuka. I ran to Headmaster's Office. I walked in seeing a girl. "Who are you?" "I'm Maria Kuranai." "You sure? Because you smell oddly like a certain pure blood vampire that I want to kill." "A lot of people want to kill her." And then she giggles. 'Fuuuuuucccckkk.' I held out the u. 'I have to keep an eye on her and hide my secret from another vampire.' "Bye Headmaster. Sorry for barging in." I said as I turned around and was out the door before the Headmaster could say anything. I was walking to class when I saw Zero heading to the Headmaster's office. "Don't trust the girl in that office. You may not trust her because she's a vampire, but I think we both know she has something to do with Shizuka. I promised I would kill her and I'm pretty sure you have the same promise." Zero nodded and I continued on my way.

I walked into the class. "Mr.Yagari" pulled me out of class. "What's up "Mr.Yagari"?" I raised my eyebrows while saying Mr.Yagari. "Be wary of the new vampire... and call me Yagari.You know I hate being called Mr.Yagari." "Just because you taught my brother how to fight vampires and talked a lot about you doesn't mean I know you that well. You didn't even recognize me when I walked in the classroom." "It has been 12 years." "12 years my ass. I recognized you." "You still play the flute?" "Yeah. Good job asshat. You remembered one thing about me." "Really you think that's all I remember. Well I remember your favorite color is black, you don't like people, you're smart even though you don't pay attention, you carry a lot more weight than people think, you're a lot more emotional than most people think, and you have a yin and yang tattoo on your back in between your shoulder blades. So don't even think I know nothing about you or care about you. Your brother talked a lot about you. You know?" "My brother? Tch. I'd be lucky if he said one nice thing about me. You have a class to teach and I have a class to be in." I walked passed him bumping my shoulder into his. "He said that you didn't know how much your smile meant to him. How subtle and perfect it was." "Ha. My brother?. Yah right." And then I walked into the classroom.
All of class I was thinking what Mr.Yagari... Yagari said. As the bell rang I went to my other classes. The only thing I could think about all day was what Yagari said. 'What if he was telling the truth.'

Time Skip Unknown POV
"Hey Yagari. It's been a while hasn't it." A deep voice said as it lurked from the shadow. "It sure has. Aren't you in the military. In Afghanistan in particular." "Well I got discharged a month ago and I've been looking for the pack and my sister." "You know she's the alpha, right?" "I assumed. The pack wouldn't have come all this way if she wasn't." "You know she really thinks of me the same way you thought of me. You two are exactly alike." "Well the full moon rises tomorrow and I think we're going to give the vampires a surprise of their life and send them running or else I'm afraid Tsuki might get us kicked out. The werewolves feel threatened by their presence, but that Kaname bastard is going to be one hell of a pain to get rid of. Well I must be off Yagari. I mustn't ruin the surprise." "Goodbye, Inga."

Time Skip Tsuki's POV
I woke up the next morning. I smelt my brother. Was I going insane? "Inga?!" There was no response so I went to my classes as I normally would. And classes were boring as always. Yuki and Zero fell asleep. Sasaki tried to hit on me. I kept gut punching him. I seriously need to beat him to class so he stops pulling the last minute switchroo on me. Or maybe I shouldn't stop so I can keep punching him in the gut. Today I know we both kinda backed off of each other knowing that the full moon was going to make us extra prone to getting mad and transforming. Trust me it's a very bad idea to transform in front of the entire class. At the end of the day we all went to watch the night class and keep the day class back. 'Yippee!!!!!' Note the heavy use of sarcasm that laced every bit of my word. Except something was different today. Kaname walked up to me, looked me in the eye, and said "There's someone else like you two here. And I'm going to find out who it is." As he said two he glanced at Sasaki. "If you can, bastard." All the vampires gave me glares and I just growled/snarled back. For most of the night they glared at me till I went back to my room.

I was double checking everything and making sure my door was locked. I hear a knock on my window. I open it expecting it to be Sasaki, but no it was Kaname fucking Kuran. "What do you want?" I snarled our getting impatient I didn't have much time. "I want to find at what you are and if you're a danger to this academy." I glared at him and he glared back just as equally. I glared harder and so did he. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Tsuki. You're seeing him quite late aren't you cutting it close. Ohh and a pure blood vampire. Not a wise choice." I turned around to see my brother. Inga. His black ears and black tail were sticking out. He also jumped to the third floor. I knew I was in trouble with Kaname right behind me, so I pushed him out and jumped out the window myself running into the woods. Inga came running after. We ran off campus and then transformed into our black wolf selves. "It's been a while since we've done this. Hasn't it?" I barked at him. "Sure has." He barked back we ran through the towns ally way system to the woods on the other side. Once so got there we started to play like we did when we were pups. We tackled each other, nipped at each other's ears, and rolled around play fighting like we were little pups again. We ran to the pack to show them that my big brother was back. The rest of the night was spent partying until the sun started to rise and my brother and I started to walk back to school. We took the ally way system and once we were close we transformed into our human selves and walked back. We hopped into my room through the window and then laughed some more. "Hey I have to get to class. I'll see you about one tomorrow morning I have disciplinary committee work to do tonight. Aka watch the vampires. Which thanks to you I'm pretty sure now know are secrets." "Okay bye see you tomorrow technically." I rolled my eyes and walked out.

I walked into the school. Yuki came running to me and said "Headmaster wants to see you." I nodded and started walking to his office. 'Fuck. My brother screwed us over.' I kept walking and of course as always I just walked right in. As expected I see Kaname standing there talking to the Headmaster. They haven't noticed me so I closed the door as quietly as possible. I listened into their conversation. "I say we switch them to the night class. They're a danger to the school and Yuki." "Kaname they don't work like a vampire they still sleep at night. I've already taken safety precautions and made it so Artemis repels werewolves as well." "But what about their packs don't they have packs." "Yes, but Tsuki is the alpha of her pack so she has everything under control and Sasaki is from another pack, but Tsuki and Sasaki were engaged. Except Tsuki didn't like him and things ended. Though since Tsuki is an alpha and Sasaki is a beta in line for the position of alpha Tsuki is technically a higher rank than Sasaki and therefor also can keep him in line." "What about her older brother?" I spoke up now. "I'll keep him in line. So stop worrying your ass off, Kaname. I have everything covered. Except for your life. If anyone in my pack finds out that you know they might kill you. I mean that is what we have been trained to do for our entire life. Werewolves are what are know as the vampire hunters final weapon. We are the ultimate weapon, but they didn't create us and they don't control us so I should be able to keep everyone in line." I ended with a smile. "Tsuki, how long have you been there?" "Long enough. I think we covered everything, so I have a class to get to. Bye Headmaster, Kaname." I walked out of the office and went to class. As soon as I walked in I winked at Yagari as a sign that we both knew my brother was back.

What the heck I had writers block for a month and then I just wrote this whole chapter. So it's about 1,580 words. You deserve everyone and I will again try to get on a regular posting schedule, but I think we both know that's not going to happen.

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