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I tried taking my time finding Zero. I knew exactly where he was the whole time. He was in the stables. It was where he always went. I sprinted that way when Yuki got there. I saw them as Lily scared Yuki and she ran off. I saw Lily hide something under the hay. Zero walked past me. I knew exactly why Lily did this for Zero. "Lily really likes you. She will even go as far as to hide your secret. So, how many people know? Does Yuki know? You know this will hurt her." I turned around to look at him. He was shaking in anger. His fist were clenched. He was holding his breath. After standing there for a minute he sighed and said "How did you figure it out?" I answered with my usual answer. "I put two and two together." He sighed and we continued to walk and catch up to Yuki.

We saw Yuki and her "father" at the gate. "Hey Headmaster." I said. "Tsuki. Zero." His eyes sparkled. "Tsuki, you and Yuki need to start calling me father." "When did I become your daughter. I can take care of myself. Plus I have my brother." He looked gloomy until Yuki said, "Father.." Headmaster suddenly looked happy again and said, "Yuki, my daughter." Zero growled and said, "can we get to the point?" "Yes, Zero. I need you to go into to town for me and run some errands." Zero, Yuki, and I nodded.And off we went into town. I had only been in town once. I was excited? I don't know what to call it. I wasn't happy and I didn't feel anything in particular about going, but I kind of wanted to go back.

Time Skip

After buying everything Yuki suggested we stop for ice cream. I hate ice cream, so I politely said  "I'm going to continue you to look around the town." And then I was off. My gut told me something was wrong. I knew something was wrong when I saw Zero sprint off past me. I sprinted back to the shop to see that Yuki was no where in sight. I sprinted to the clock tower to see if I could get a view of Yuki.

It took me five minutes to get there even though I sprinted. "Ahhhhhh!!!!" I heard Yuki scream. I didn't care if it was obvious that I wasn't human. I jumped into the clock tower from my standing point. My black hair whipped in front of Yuki. She was absolutely shocked. My blue eyes glowed. This signaled that if I didn't calm down I would transform into a wolf right here from being so pissed.

I went for the vampire and suddenly Kaname appeared in front of me and protected Yuki and I. He pushed me back went behind Yuki and I. We were now standing next to each other. He covered our eyes. When we opened them the Level E was gone. I just scoffed. While Yuki was thanking Kaname for helping her again. I snapped out my mind when I heard Kaname say, "Tsuki are you okay?" I scoffed again. "I'm perfectly fine and I could have handled this my self." He stared at me then nodded. His voice rang again with the words, "We should get back to school." I nodded and we were off.

Kaname's POV

I knew Yuki was in trouble. I went to where she was to see Tsuki's long black hair whoosh in front of Yuki. Her eyes were glowing blue. She ran at the Level E. I stopped her. She was weaponless and I couldn't have Yuki or Tsuki hurt. I stepped in front and pushed Tsuki back, so she stood next to Yuki. I covered both of their eyes and killed the Level E. I didn't want to see what had happened.

I started to talk to Yuki. She was thanking me a lot. "Yuki, it's no problem." I looked over to see Tsuki looking down with her hair covering her eyes which were no longer glowing. She looked completely zoned out and in deep thought. "Tsuki are you okay?" I asked. She seemed to snap out of her trans. "I'm perfectly fine and I could have handled this my self." I stared at her and nodded. "We should get back to school." She nodded and we were off.

Time Skip

I was now laying in my bed tossing and turning. I was so lucky I didn't transform in front of Yuki or Kaname. I'm nervous though. Two more days and then it's a full moon. I got off my bed and started pacing around. "Shit." I held the word out in anger. While I was pacing around I stubbed my toe. "Fuck." I again held the word out. I went to lay down and I finally fell asleep at three am.

Time Skip

I woke up at six as usual. "Bloody Hell!" I shouted. I was so tired. Luckily from being so tired my shout came out as a regular talking voice. I went to take my shower. I through my beanie on after taking it odd to sleep. I wrapped my tail around my waist. I walked to the showers and through everything off. I started by washing my tail. The black tail seemed was glistening after it's wash next was my ears/hair. I loved washing behind my ear. That was my sweet spot. I quietly purred knowing the other students would be getting up soon.

I finished my shower and went back to my dorm to pack for another boring day at school. Only to remember that we have to go talk to the Headmaster this morning at 7:30. I realized it was 7:20. I grabbed everything and ran to Headmaster's office. If I sprinted it should only take me five minutes. I got there at 7:25 to see Zero and Yuki waiting outside of the Headmaster's office. "How long did I make you way?" Zero just scoffed while Yuki said, "Only a minute or two." I nodded. Yuki knocked. We heard a come in. We walked in. To see the Headmaster really happy. I sighed it wasn't me.

What did you think? I was just curious who do you want Tsuki to love. Kaname, Aido, Zero, or another one of the vampires. I could also come up with a werewolf for Tsuki to date. Or be a past love life that causes problems.


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