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(Here's a pic of my cat because he's officially 2 which means I've been writing this story for over a year... wow I'm crappy author... I've just been thinking of what to do, but here's a new chapter. Also I really don't remember much of the show after what's been written so I'm kinda winging it)

Tsuki's POV
My alarm went off with a startlingly loud beep. I slammed my hand on the snooze button. I laid on my bed for twenty minutes, forgetting that I had to take a shower early. "Welp, I guess I won't be taking a shower today. Sigh. *sigh*" I said a loud to myself. I LEAPT out of bed. Actually that's a huge lie, I rolled out of bed with a loud bang. I got up off the floor and went to grab a uniform out of my closet. I sprayed perfume all over it and threw it on after putting deodorant and perfume on my body. I gathered all my homework and books and shoved them into my backpack. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my dorm room. I turned around, locked it, and headed off. My brother was waiting outside the dorms for me. "Why do girls always take so long?" He complained as I walked out. I kept walking without looking at him as he sped walked to catch up to me. "And you were saying?" I sarcastically asked him. "I was waiting a whole minute for you!" I rolled my eyes. "OHHHH NOOOOO!!!! A WHOLE MINUTE!!! WHAT WILL YOU EVER DO?!?!" I acted as if I cared as I rolled my eyes again. He rolled his eyes back at me. "Well you never know what could happen in a WHOLE minute." He stressed the "WHOLE." My phone buzzed. I had received a text from Aido. 'Meet up with me before class starts at the gates to the night dorm.' I replied with a 'k.' "Meeting up with Aido I see." My brother inquired. "Yeah. You should go meet up with Eight." I wiggled my eyebrows. "Stop using that code name." "Wellllllll, I can't help it. You do think he's perfect and eight is the perfect number." I rolled out the l in well. He rolled his eyes at me. "Shut up."

I separated from my brother and started to head towards the gates. After a minute into the walk I saw Yuki talking to a vampire from the senate. (Idk when this happens in the show/story but it's happening right now deal with it) She looked distressed. I walked closer to them. They were starting to accuse Zero for murdering Shizuka. Yuki's trying to defend him. Kaname is going to have a piece of my mind. "You should mind your own business and get off of turf that doesn't belong to you." I shouted at them. Yuki turned around and looked slightly relieved. The vampire looked up at me. "Oh great it's a pup from the association. Go back to where you came from little pup." He yelled at me. "You shouldn't be messing with an Alpha on her turf." He had a look of fear for half a second. It was only in his eyes. He snarled and hopped in his car. Yuki thanked me and I walked off to meet up with Aido.

Aido's POV
Tsuki is usually here by now. She never keeps me waiting. I wonder what's going on. I don't get too much time to thin because I see her coming towards the gate. She looks pissed. Maybe I'll get to charm her by being sweet and comforting. With the sweetest voice I could muster I asked if she was okay. "Tsuki, babe, what's wrong?" I held her a tight hug. Her arms on my lower back and her head leaned on my chest. "The senate was here." She mumbled. She looked even more fired up than before. "Woah there tiger..." "Wolf." She interrupted me. "Okay wolf. Why are you jumping the gun. What did they ever do to you? Because I will fight them all off." I said proudly. It felt great to feel as if I could protect her. "Well first, the whole vampire vs werewolf thing. Secondly, today they tried to accuse Zero of killing Shizuka. They were talking to Yuki and she was getting mad. I just had to do something. I mean he was also on my turf." I could feel the fire radiating off of her. This could go bad. "Oh by the way, where's Kaname?" She asked innocently. "Oh no no no." I said in a panicked voice. "We don't need you destroying the entire school just to defeat Kaname. You guys are evenly matched and that's a scary fact." She rolled her eyes and then kissed my cheek. "I have to go or I'll be late for class." I waved goodbye as she ran off with her head turned around and waving goodbye. I loved that girl.

Time Skip

Maria's POV
I woke up in an unfamiliar setting. I was on a white bed in a whit room. Then I saw him. Ichiru. I leaped out of bed. I was going to hug him. "ICHIRU!!!!!!" I shouted happily. He dodged my hug and snarled. This other man started to speak. He must be the Headmaster. "That's not Ichiru. This is Ichiru's twin brother Zero." He said with a smile. All this man has done was smile. It's kinda refreshing. It made me feel happy and truly like a kid. "Where's Ichiru?" I inquired. I know I must find him. I mustn't let him be on his own. "He's disappeared for the time." The Headmaster finally had a serious look on his face. Zero could look as he could care less. He actually had his head looking away from the Headmaster and me. I don't know why, but isn't this also his twin brother? Shouldn't he be worried? These thoughts pondered my head. "Maria," this snapped me out of my thoughts, "Zero will be taking you to the gates, where a limo is waiting for you." I nodded my head and got out of bed to follow him. I made it to the car and that's the last I've seen of Cross Academy. Probably forever.

Ummmm... hi. So I'm terrible author. I don't know how much of that was actually from the story but yeah. I'm alive. I'm not dead and it's spring break so I'm in a very writing mood. So let's hope I actually put out more chapters or rewatch season 2. "Adios. That's French for you French speakers."-my math teacher. I love him he just drinks way tooooooooo much soda. And yes I meant adios and French in that sentence.

Canine at Cross Academy(Vampire Knight fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now