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Tsuki's POV
I woke up to to the sun shining in my face. I severely disliked the sun. It was always so bright and cheery. I knew I woke up to late to take a shower without getting caught. So, I changed and put a whole lot of perfume and deodorant on. After that I headed of to class. I walked to class finally taking notice of the beauty of nature at this school. When I walked into school my monotone face and emotions came back. "Tsukiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!" I hear Yuki yell. I turn around and look at her. "Headmaster wants to see you." I nodded and went off to the Headmaster's office.

I knocked on the door. "Come in." I walked in to see Headmaster with a very serious face. "Yes, Headmaster." "Tsuki..... Sasaki has informed me that you're not who you say you are." I gulped. "What did Sasaki tell you?" "He told me that you are Tsuki the alpha of her pack. A werewolf." "I'm going to murder him." "What remember murder is strictly prohibited on and off school grounds." "Who have you told?" I growled at him. "No one." "Good because no one can know or my pack will come kill me and kill everyone who knows by ripping them piece by piece. Even if they're a vampire. We could beat a vampire's sorry ass any time. Even if they were a pure blood." "Is that how you knew on the first day?" "Yeah I smelled his vampire highness shit."

I walked out of the Headmaster's office and to class. The bell had rang. I walked in a minute after class started. I bowed and said "sorry I'm late." To the teacher. "I was talking to the Headmaster." He nodded and I sat down in my seat. I sat next to Zero because he had an open seat next to him and I didn't want to sit next to Sasaki. Zero looked at me and I nodded my head towards Sasaki. He nodded understanding. During the whole class I felt daggers aimed at my next. Yeah it was definitely Sasaki who was pissed at me for sitting next to Zero.

I zoned out for all of class. Zero and Yuki fell asleep. They had to stay after class. So, Sasaki and I were the first guardians out. A joy. "I'm going to murder you." "Why?" Sasaki responded in a sweet and innocent tone. "You know why so stop playing dumb." At that point I had lightly thrown him into the wall and started to lightly choke him. "Oh.... That. Well I thought the Headmaster should know about my special condition and yours." I growled at him before dropping him and walking away.

Zero, Sasaki, and I all scared the girls back. The night class walked out. Blah, Blah, Blah. Peaceful night. Haha. Or so I thought. I was walking on the ledge when I saw to day class students, Yuki, Aido, and Akatsuki standing together. The day class student were passed out. Aido was holding Artemis on one and Yuki was holding the other. Aido's hand was going up Artemis. Akatsuki was standing in the back. That's when I realized Aido was trying to drink Yuki's blood. I hopped down in an instance. I grabbed Artemis on accident while get Aido to leave Yuki alone. "Aido the drinking of blood is strictly prohibited on school grounds." I said as I grabbed Artemis. Aido's hand and mine flung off at the same time after I screamed. I was holding my hand. Artemis had burned me like I was a vampire. "Damn, Cross." I licked my hand to heal it with my saliva. I then spit some saliva on the ground. Ready to fight Aido.

At that moment Kaname appeared. "You're damn late Kaname." He just nodded. Seiren erased the memory of the two day class students. Kaname spoke only above a whisper and said "I'll take these two to Headmaster. Akatsuki you are guilty too because you did nothing to stop Aido. Yuki, Tsuki are you okay. I nodded and Yuki started to speak. "I'm fine, but Tsuki is..." I cut her off there. "I'm fine." I walked away to continue patrol.

In the dorms
Kaname's POV
"Kaname, we need to talk." I heard Aido say. "About?" "Tsuki." "What about her?" "Yuki's anti-vampire weapon Artemis burned her. Like she was a vampire." "Hmm. Interesting. Thank you, Aido. I will talk to her tomorrow morning. You are dismissed." With that Aido left. I stared out the window thinking 'who are you really, Tsuki Shimakura." And with that Kaname went to sleep for the day.

Hey sorry guys. I have been taking finals. I still have one more next week. And then I'll try to get back to a normal posting schedule. Sorry again for another short chapter. It was again under 1,000 words and around 800. Again I thought this was a good spot to end. Um.... What's going on in your life. Just want to know guys. My significant other finally was comfortable saying I luv u. She told me I luv u today at the pool. Yay. Have a goodnight, day, afternoon, morning, etc.

Canine at Cross Academy(Vampire Knight fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now