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Tsuki's POV
I found my first class no problem. After this class I would have Yuki and Zero help me out. I walked in 10 minuets before class started. I introduced my self to the teacher. He made sure I was caught up on everything and knew who I could go to for help and such. Then the bell rang. He introduced me to the class. I sat down in the back corner and immediately fell asleep.

I watched as the me from a year ago hoped onto my dad's shoulder. I had him carry me from my bed upstairs to the couch. It was a new moon. The only day anything could pierce our skin and kill us. I was so tired. Dad dropped me on the couch. I curled up under the blanket. Mother came groggily down the stairs. She kissed my forehead and told me that dad and her had to go somewhere. They were just going grocery shopping, but on a new moon. I was worried, so five minutes after they left I followed their scent. They went to the grocery store. After sitting outside for 30 minutes they finally came out. That's when my gut growled to stop them. I knew if I had stopped them they would have been mad that I had left the house. I continued to trail then. I soon realized the way we were going was the way through the hunter's ground. I was worried because this hunter in particular knew about werewolves and how we were basically humans on new moons.  I continued to trail just praying that the hunter wouldn't come out. My gut screamed at me to come out and make them turn around and get off the hunter's field. At that point though it was to late. The hunter had come out. He had shot both of them in front of me. He didn't know I was there and I wanted to keep it that way. I still had to watch my parents fall to the ground. Shirts already soaked in blood. The grass would soon be dies with the red of their blood. I stood there frozen. I was hidden, but frozen. I could have prevented this all, but I was scared that I would get in trouble. How stupid of me? I ran home. To be more precise I sprinted home. Trying to out run my problems. I ran into the house, locked my door, curled into a ball, and cried.
I weeped and weeped over my stupid mistake. A mistake that was going to change me forever.

End of Dream

I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until Yuki came and poked me on the shoulder. I thought I was just day dreaming. Actually I should call it day nightmaring.Yuki started walking me to my next class. While walking I noticed a familiar face watching from a dark corner. I sighed and then yelled. "Look there's Aido from the night class." My voice was all happy and fake. Every girl came running. I knew Aido would leave me alone at least until the bell rang. The next class for me was PE. I loved PE. I could show off with my incredible werewolf strength. Sadly we had to change. I totally forgot about that part. Luckily we had showers that I could go change in and just say that I'm self conscious. It worked. Luckily for me I came up with an excuse for my beanie.

Time Skip

After PE everyone wanted to talk to me about how athletic I was. I just wanted Yuki to get here so I don't have to hear anymore of these questions. I looked at the door waiting for Yuki. I couldn't look at the students. I didn't want to. I would just answer with yes or no to there question with my monotone voice and monotone face. Until someone asked, "Why do you never smile and why do you always act emotionless?" I turned my head to look at the girl who asked me that. I just sighed. I stared at her. She flinched. Everyone stopped asking me questions and stared at me waiting for and answer. I finally gave in a sighed again. "Because my emotions have always gotten me in trouble and I don't need them. Plus I don't like to smile. Smiling remind me of my past." Thank god Yuki just walked in I couldn't answer another question. I got up from my slouched position on the wall and walked to Yuki. "Let's go." I told her only loud enough for her to hear. She walked me to our last class for today. She said this worked out perfectly because today we were also getting a new teacher as well. We stopped at the door to talk to Aido. "What the hell do you want?" "I have to watch you" he responded. "Tch." "By the way how did you do all those things in PE without breaking a sweat." "When your parents die you start working out more in hopes that you'll be able to run away from your problems. You never will though." Aido just stared at me as I walked into the class. I sat in the teachers desk. The kids thought I was the teacher and quieted down and to their seats. I tched and watched the actual teacher come in. I stuck my hand out and said "Tsuki nice to meet you. I'm a new student and as I've heard your the new teacher." He took my hand and shook. He told the class my name and kicked me out of his seat and to the back of the classroom. "My name is Yagari." The whole class started asking him questions. Zero then got up and left the classroom. Clearly he was upset. Yuki told Mr.Yagari that she would go get him because she is a part of the disciplinary committee. I got up and left, but as I left I showed him my badge and walked out to go get Zero.

Hey guys. It's Emi-Chan. I just want to say I don't know how well I'll be able to update after this. I am a student and I have testing coming up soon. I also have lacrosse. (If you don't know what that is it's okay. Lacrosse is not widely known and is limited to very few states.) I also have to prepare because I am playing the national anthem for one of my school's basketball game. I am a flute player if your curious. I have to get that done in less than two weeks. I also have the least important thing. My b-day. If your curious it's April 19th. That's all. Thank you so much for reading my story.

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