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II: surprised

Today's the first day of thanksgiving break and I honestly don't have any plans. It's not like I have any real friends to hang out with. I'll probably just hang out with Evelyn for the most part during this break but I'm not sure. I'm at this point in my life where I'm just stuck. I've never felt so lost or lonely ever and I don't want to feel like this forever. I know I won't but it still feels like this will last for eternity. Maybe I should talk to a therapist?

I log onto my laptop and look up places to go to. I used to go to this place in town with Mrs. Hall for therapy after Clarissa left and I didn't know how to handle things but we stopped going because I just quit attending my meetings. I had moved on from that. Clarissa was happy and in love and I wished her the best. I had finally come to terms with what she did and I applauded her for that.

I grab my keys and put in the therapists location on maps, giving me the directions. I turn up my music on the way to distract myself from the loneliness that is inside my car and heart. I would right now be with Andrew in his car and we'd probably be driving to eat something. I loved him so much. He was my world and if you've ever had your heart broken by someone you thought was everything, then you'd understand. I pull in to the driveway at Mrs. Hall's office. Stepping out of my car, I look at the hours of operation. She just opened an hour ago. I walk up to the door and knock the green door to the white walled office. Mrs. Hall opens the door and her face turns into a shocked expression.

"Jane? What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk. I have no one," I break down, and a stream of a thousand tears come tumbling down my face and puddling in front of me. Mrs. Hall grabs me and embraces me tightly.

"Is it about Clarissa?" She asks, unknowing of all the shit that has gone down in the past few months.

"No, so much more. Can we talk now?"

"I don't have any appointments soon so yes! Come in, come in. Darling there's no need to cry. You'll be ok."

I wipe my tears off with the back of my yellow Champion sweater. She asks me to take a seat and tell her what's going on.

"Mrs. Hall, there's something seriously wrong going on."

"Please, call me Theresa. I'm your friend."

"Thank you," I kindly say, "I've lost 3 close friends in the past 3 months. I don't know what to do!"

"May I ask why or how?"

The words race out of my mouth so fast.

"It all started when I was beginning to be friends with this girl, Ashley, I ditched my best friend Evelyn for her and both Ashley and I went everywhere together for like a year. I started dating this boy Andrew and being friends with his best friend Jason. Ashley started tormenting me by releasing offensive videos about her on my snapchat story therefore seeming as if I was the one doing it. I think everyone at school hates me. We got into this big emotional and physical fight. We cut ties and stopped talking all together and I thought that would be the end of it. Andrew and I went to California together, he met my parents, took me to dinner so many times, bought me things I wanted. When we got back, Ashely had teamed up with Jason to release a video of him kissing Jason. They planned it. They made him do it, I don't know how but I just know they forced him into doing it. It was just Andrew and Evelyn left for me. It got so heated that I had a physical fight with Jason. He got suspended or whatever. I'm really traumatized because of that. I apologized to Evelyn for being so distant and we're friends again. A month after the whole Jason situation, they both teamed up and released a video of Evelyn and Andrew kissing. I split.. with Andrew. I'm distant with Evelyn again. I have no friends left. I feel miserable."

"Jane. That's terrible. I'm sorry. Here, look, this is my advice. Stay strong and they want you to be down and have a low attitude. They want you to fail. Don't let that be. You have to keep your head up high and show them who's the real one. You're going to realize you have so much friends and better people will come your way. Think of them as an anchor that dragged you down. Also, if Andrew meant so much to you, talk to him. From what it seems is that they wanted you to split from Andrew and see you like this. We all make mistakes, we all slip up, and that doesn't mean Andrew is fake. If you see good in him, and if he wants to, give him that second chance."

I sat there listening to those words sink into me and I suddenly felt tons of pressure release off of me. It's true what she said. Andrew isn't a bad person. We all make mistakes. I do love him so much and he still means the world to me. But I can't just forget what he did to me and act all happy. I don't think I'm ready yet to forgive him and go back to him but maybe in the future I will.

Mrs. Hall offers me some tea and we sit there for another hour just talking about Andrew and Evelyn and she tells me,

"You have to call Evelyn! If she didn't know Andrew was dating you, you may have to take her word on that."

I promise her that I will call Evelyn and thank her.

"This was a friend to friend conversation," Theresa winks as I walk out of the office.

"No cost! Anytime Jane, anytime."

I smile and feel warmth spread through me. I'm going to take her advise and show those motherfuckers who's happy.

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