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MARCH 2018

X: evelyn

It's March now and Evelyn's trial was last month. She was sentenced to 50 years in prison (without possibility of parole) for intentional murder under the first degree. Attempted murder. An additional twenty for arson. So many charges. Just like I promised, I sat in the front row and watched justice being served. She saw me and got so angry but didn't do anything. She didn't because we weren't alone. I have not seen her since and I have been meaning to go see her but I've been so busy with a book tour. I have spent a lot of time with Andrew, my sister, and Ashley. We went to Cedar Point again and then to some nature park. Ashley is dating this guy, she has been for the past month and it has been going good, his name is Raymond. He goes to our old high school before we moved online and I guess they just started talking online, progressed to calls, and then they met. He's pretty quiet and respectful. I have to get to know him better to say how he really is. So much has happened since December of last year and my life has skyrocketed to greatness. I will continue on achieving more and more, becoming a better person every time. There are so many things that I still need to learn but I am eager to learn about it. I think about Jason almost daily and I keep him in my prayers. I hope that good and positive things continue to happen.

Andrew holds me in his arms all morning in his bed and I smile, slipping out of the bed. I think I have decided to visit Evelyn. One last time, one last conversation.

I tell Andrew that and he offers to go with me but I tell him that I will be fine by myself. I pick up my keys and get into my car. I type into my phone the address of the jail which she is in.

Driving there, I try to think of things to say to her but nothing comes to mind. There are so many things I could tell her, yell at her, but none of them would make any difference. I give up on thinking about things to say and just put on some soothing music. I sing along and take my mind of Evelyn for the time being. I will think of something to say when I see her sour face. I'll try not to laugh when I see where she's at. The anger creeps over me again and I just brush it off. I have to be chill and calm in front of her. I have to talk to her like she is nothing because she is nothing. Actions speak louder than words and no matter how many times she'll say that it was a mistake, it wasn't. She's insane. She derailed from sanity and caused havoc that was avoidable. No one will ever forgive that and I will definitely not forget it. I will never forget about this and I will never forgive her. But in me not forgiving her, I am also erasing her from my mind.

I pull up in front of the police department and ask to visit Evelyn. They tell me to wait a second so I go and sit down in the waiting center. I start reading on my phone but after a bit they say that everything is ready. I walk down the hallway and into the room where Evelyn sits with her hands chained to the table. I sit on the other side of the table and stare at her. I laugh.

"Your ruined my life, Jane," she said under her breath, a tear falling down from her eyes.

"You ruined yourself."

I get up and pace around the room.

"What do you want?" She asks, agitated and her face looking at me furiously. Her hair was shorter than it was before. No makeup.

"I can't believe I trusted you. I can't believe I called you my best friend. You almost ruined my life but you didn't. You helped mine and your ruined your own. That's what happens when you do wrong, it comes back and bites you in the ass sooner or later. It came soon for you," I answer, ignoring her question.

I sit back down in the chair and look her straight in the eye. This will be the last and final time I see that face in person. The last and final time I ever speak with this person that tried to destroy my life.

"You're fake, Evelyn. That's all you are. You're a toxic threat."

She stares at me, showing no emotion at all. She doesn't even speak.

I say my final words to her.

"My revenge against you isn't using violence or harsh words. Violence won't solve anything. My revenge is simply me succeeding in life, moving on, and knowing that you will rot in this prison alone until you are no longer here. That is justice. Don't you think?"

I glare at her one final time and streams of fake tears fall down her cheek, dripping onto the table. She whimpers in her hands and puts her head on the cold metal table.

I turned around and opened the door, stepping outside of the room. I stepped outside into a new world where Evelyn will never exist to me anymore. 

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