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I wake in Peeta's arms, my head resting on his chest, right over his heart. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. My hair is sprawled out on the bed and my legs are touching Peeta's legs. We take up about half the bed, sleeping together. I swear, the bed is so big that it could fit 4 people. The sheets rest on our lower stomachs and their brown color makes this feel like home. But the trick was that it wasn't home. We were in the capitol again. His heart and mine beat one and I somehow like this. For some reason, it makes me feel even more comfortable. I close my sleepy eyes and smile, resting and cuddling with Peeta. About 30 minutes later, people noisily come into our room.

"Awweee! Look at them! So cute!" Octavia shrieks.

I pretend not to notice and keep my eyes closed. To impress them even more, I move my position so my lips touch his chest. The prep team tries to shield their excitement, but the feelings overcome them.

"Awwwhhhh! AWWHH! Look it! She just moved! Look at them!" Venia says.

"Why aren't they married yet?"

I can't help but smile at their wishes for MY life. Just then, Peeta moves a bit.

"Shh! Peeta's waking up!"

I assume he opened his eyes because he jerks back and the prep team giggles. I pretend to wake up just then. I open my eyes and expect them to be sneakily watching but I was wrong. Octavia, Venia, Cinna, Portia and Flavuis are smiling at the foot of our bed. I act surprised also and bump Peeta's head against the back board of the bed.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I say. He smiles and lets out a silent laugh. The prep team laughs full-heatedly. Just then, Effie walks in. She sees Peeta and I sleeping together and gasps.

"What is happening? Why is Katniss in Peeta's room? Why are they sleeping together!? Gosh, I hope Peeta's being careful, we don't need Katniss getting knocked up yet! She's too young!" She mummers loudly. I blush as soon as I hear the last part and all eyes are locked on Peeta and I, waiting for an answer to an unspoken question. Peeta manages to smile and laugh a bit before he confirms that I'm not pregnant nor getting pregnant anytime soon, if at all. Effie smiles and decides to keep giving us outrageous advice.

"Well, if you guys do happen to .... you know .... Peeta make sure you use p-" Effie starts. I interrupt her, screaming.

"I'm NOT getting pregnant! Effie!!!!" I say surprised. Then everyone laughs but me. I feel as red as a tomato. How could Effie even think that? When the laughing dies down, Effie just has to add more into her small "speach".

"Just be careful. Otherwise, be happy together .... but not too happy." With that, the prances out of the room in her outrageously high heels and walks down the corridor to the stairs. I bend over and whisper in Peeta's ear.

"Can you believe Effie? She thought that .... that .... that!"

Peeta laughs so hard and everyone looks at me questioningly. I still blush and shrug my shoulders.

"Come on you two love birds, time to get ready for the interviews. Peeta, I suppose you still have a little longer to rest since it takes less time working on you than Katniss." Cinna says and Portia nods.

The interviews are for after the rebellion when we won. Caesar still enjoys us and our romance. The capitol people are grateful they aren't under President Snow's hands anymore, and they are happy and kind, back to what it used to be. Everyone is nice to everyone. Capitol people thank Peeta and I all the time for regaining peace to Panem. I climb out of bed and Peeta watches me do so. Cinna and the prep team, not including Portia, lead me to the bathroom door. We all walk inside, Portia and Peeta still looking at us. Cinna tells the prep team instructions and goes downstairs to get my outfit ready. Curiosity comes over me. How did they know I was with Peeta?

Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their LivesWhere stories live. Discover now