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We both stride (without my prep team) back to our room. I want to know if what he said is true about me. I'll save that for later though. For now, I am tired, so I close my eyes and rest on the bed. I breathe steadily and carefully move a bit so there won't be make-up on the crisp, clean, white sheets. I undo my hair and let it fall wherever it wants to on the bed. Light comes through my eyelids, just slightly. Peeta comes next to me and wraps his arms around me. It takes all I have not to fall asleep. I open my eyes and decide to start asking those questions I have, muddling my brain.

"Peeta, is everything you said in the interview true?"

"Yes, everything I said is true. Every little bit. There's no reason to lie, now that there are no games."

Peeta turns on his side to face me and I do the same.

"I feel the exact same way. When we were coming back from the interviews, I thought about everything. I thought that you have the biggest space in my heart and you always will. If I like it or not, you do have the biggest space. Right now, I'm more than liking it. Just laying here with you makes my heart feel ..... feel jittery and warm, I guess." I confess.

He squeezes me and says he has that same feeling.

"Why don't we get a reason for these feelings, Katniss?" Peeta says.

At that, We lean into each other and kiss. The kiss sends electric shocks and bursts of warmth through my whole body. This kiss doesn't seem forced like most of the rest. The electric shocks move up to my brain and I begin to kiss harder, as does he. The hunger overcomes my body, making me hungry for him and motivated to give more. As if reading my mind, Peeta gives my lips a little love bite so I will open up my mouth. I open wide and we continue, our kiss now french. His hands brush back my hair over my ears and he plays around with my earrings and ear. I roll gracefully onto him, straddling his hips over mine. For some reason, I can't help but to smile. Smiling at this bond we have now gained. Smiling at the way he can love me so easily and quickly. Smiling at the way he can overpower any of my senses with one kiss. Smiling at the way we can turn one innocent kiss into this. I think back to the games. Peeta's face is the same. Everything is the same. Only now we are 19. We could ..... have "it" ..... because technically I would be 20 when I have the kid. I can feel that Peeta is thinking also, just by the way he is moving his lips and tounge. I don't know what he is thinking about, but I'm hoping we are thinking the same thing. I usher Peeta to take off his shirt and we continue to kiss a bit more. Just then, I hear the door open. I hear what sounds like Venia shrieking. Peeta and I break apart, not daring to look at each other. I want more kisses. Correction; I NEED more kisses. My body aches for more. Venia looks at us and we look at her. We stare at each other for a minute and she speaks up, a smile wiping her face.

"You two were about to...... I could see it on your faces! Wow! Maybe Octavia is right!!! Come on do-"

"Octavia was right about what?" Peeta asks.

"Never mind. Just come downstairs for dinner. Oh and guys, you might want to wash the lipstick off your faces." She says.

She walks out of the room.

"I'm sure that it isn't that bad. I mean, we could get away with the lipstick. Come on, let's go downstairs." Peeta says to me.

"You're right. Come on, let's go downstairs".

I grab his hand and we walk down the stairs ..... after he puts his shirt on.

Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their LivesWhere stories live. Discover now