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We enter the dining room and sit at our preferred seats. Mine happens to be next to Peeta of course. Everyone comes and sits, looking at us like we have five heads. Venia is laughing and she begins to hiccup out of laughing so hard. Everyone is looking at us, ignoring the food. Why are they all staring at us?

"Um, why are you all staring at us?" I ask.

At that, everyone bursts out laughing. Even Haymitch laughs.

"When ... I said .... you might wanna ..... .wash o.... off that ..... lips.... lipstick I meant wash it!" Venia says between fits of laughter.

After she says that, Peeta and I look at each other fully for the first time after our kisses. Everyone laughs even harder at our bewildered faces. Peeta has lipstick everywhere on his face! He looks at me and smiles, pressing down laughter. I can't hold in mine anymore. I burst out laughing because we looks so funny! Soon, all of us are laughing.

"You might wanna wash that off before Effie comes to dinner." Haymitch starts " She'll think the worst out of you guys! She'll think you-"


Everyone laughs again while Peeta and I scurry out of the room.

"Um .... guys, you're too late." Flavuis says, noticing Effie's pink hair in the window in the door leading into the dining room.

"Shoot! Better get ready for "advice"" I say, putting quotation marks in advice.

Everyone laughs again when Effie comes through the door. Peeta grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze telling my to be ready. Effie notices the laughter and looks genuinely confused. Her eyes scan the room and fall on Peeta and I. Everyone almost falls out of their chairs, laughing. Peeta and I are scared of what's coming next for us though. Effie gasps as she looks on our faces.

"Katniss! Peeta! Look at you guys! Goodness gracious! I know you love each other but was it really the smartest idea to kiss with such beautiful makeup on?! Katniss, wash off your face! Peeta .... go clean your whole body!"

As she says that, I look at him. He has lipstick everywhere! I smile and Effie continues her rant.

"Guys, I swear, if Katniss gets pregnant before her photo shoot in her old mockingjay outfit in May, you two will be in such BIG trouble! She won't fit in the creation! You guys, think before you act! Seriously, if you are going to ..... use protection! I never thought I would have to tell anybody this! This is why I'm not a mother! Katniss' mother should be telling you all of this! In fact, I'm going to call her right now! She can fly back to 12 to give you guys the advice you need because boy, do you need it! Do I make myself clear?" She says.

We nod.

"Go wash off now!" She says, and sits in her spot.

Peeta and I go upstairs and share the bathroom, washing off the makeup. We both look at each other and laugh.

"Oh my ... Effie! She's going to call my mom! She's gunna call my mom!" I say laughing.

"What are you? 2? Wow, she's ratting you out to your mother! Katniss, your going to get in TROUBLE!" He says guffawing.

We clean and go downstairs to eat. The food is just so amazing! Then I see it. A white rose. A white rose with drops of blood on it. The rose is in a glass, on the table. I lose it and cry and run back into my room. I break down into pieces, hoping everyone will leave me alone. They do. I lay crying on the floor and curl into the fetal position. Then I fall fast asleep in a dream.  


I laughed so hard making that chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! :D ^_^

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,

Hannah <3

Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their LivesWhere stories live. Discover now