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So i won't be posting much :3 Oh and sorry this is a short chapter.

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,




When Peeta is finally done with his line of fangirls, he hobbles over to me quickly.

"I was beggining to wonder if the line ever would end!" I say.

"Me too. Sorry about that."

"No problem at all. Did you like any of the girls?" I say, winking.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because it would be the right thing to do!"

"Oh right. Yeah, nobody gave a lasting impression but you."

"Okay good."

"What about any boys over there?"

"Are you crazy? No way!"

"Okay good."

Fast music plays over the speakers. I recognize a couple of songs like songs by Brittney Spears, Katy Perry, Usher and more. Some of the songs I am disturbed greatly by. The content is very .... bad. I can tell Peeta doesn't exactly like it either. At some songs that could possibly remind people of us, everyone stares and we awkwardly smile and dance. When the fast songs start to get less up beat and less inappropriate, Peeta and I feel more comfortable. Taylor Swift bursts over the speakers singing love story and I put my arms around Peeta and he puts his arms around me.

"This is exactly how I felt when you were gone." I say when the bridge of the song nears.

Then I sing quietly.

"I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around. My faith in you was fading when I met you on the outskirts of town and I said;

Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you but you never come. Is this in my head I don't know what to think"

I stop at the proposal part. Peeta somehow picks up the moment and starts singing from the right moment.

"You never have to be alone. I love you and that's all I really know."

I put my head on his shoulder and we give each other a big and affectionate hug. We stay there until the music stops. Lights are directed towards us and everyone is looking at our hug. We awkwardly pull away and the crowd awwhhs. The crowd now begins to chant;

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

I stand on my tippy toes and give him a small peck on the lips and the crowd chants harder to kiss. Peeta is about to laugh and I'm about to die in this spotlight. I can almost hear Haymitch saying;

"You call that a kiss?"

Octavia cones through the crowd with a microphone. Uh oh.

"So you guys can kiss on television, in front of all your prep team-y people and on a bed but you can't kiss on the spotlight?! Who thinks they should kiss better?"

The crowd roars and I blush really hard.

"Oh and yes, Venia told me about her walk in."

A bunch of OOOOHHHHs escape the crowd and cheers also. I shrug it off and Peeta and I embrace, sealing everyone's excitement with a kiss. Clapping and cat calls echo through the place. When we break apart, Effie comes up front.

"Oh dear, we're almost out of time! We better get to the talents before we're late! Victors, hurry backstage please!!!" Then Effie sassily moves her way through the crowd and backstage. Noe is the time to get nervous about singing.

Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their LivesWhere stories live. Discover now