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"Wake up! It's going to be a big, big day!" Effie chirps.

I groan and rollover so my face is on the pillow.

"Why do I have to get up noooowwww?!?" I whine.

My stomach begins to feel upset and I run over to wretch in the bathroom.

"Oh my! Katniss, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just think I need a day of."

"Alright. I'll tell Peeta and he can do the interview alone. Tuck yourself in bed and get some beauty sleep! Feel better!" Effie says, and then walks ot of the room.

I lay back on my bed and decide to fall back asleep. There isn't a calming dream tonight.

The tributes are chasing me back to Peeta and I's cave and I run as fast as possible. When i get into the cave, Peeta is asleep.

"PEETA! WAKE UP! PEETA!' I scream.

He moves around but doesn't wake. I see Clove come out from behind me and kneel next to Peeta. She opens her jacket and scans her exquisite collection of knives.


She doesn't even hear me. She chooses a small, thin knife and begins cutting around his eyes.

"No! PEETA! PEETA! PEETA!" I cry repedivly.

He doesn't respond. Clove then wipes the knife she just used, puts it away and scans again for another one. She grabs the biggest one with a smirk on her lips. Then, she stabs him in his stomach.


I open my eyes and find Peeta rocking me on my bed.

"Peeta.. they ... they killed you!"

"Shhh I'm okay. I'm right here."

I sob into his chest and begin to feel sick again. I bolt out of his arms and run to the bathroom, yet again. When i return, Peeta is staring at me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You'll have to do the interviews yourself though."

"That's alright. You feel better. I'll be back right after the interview to help you."

I nod my approval and he rushes out the door so he isn't late. I set an alarm clock so i can attend the interviews at home, then lay back down and have another uneventful nap.

Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their LivesWhere stories live. Discover now