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It's time for the party. We have basically practiced dancing and singing the whole week and now it's time. I am waiting for everyone else to be prepped, since I was first. The prep team dressed me in an elegant, flowly, black dress that is down to my knees. It reminds me of Glimmer's interview dress only black and more practical. They put my hair in a braid as usual, and stuffed me into black flats. My eyes have a simple smoky glare to them and my lips have simple clear lip gloss. Nothing super big this time. Honestly, I can't wait to see the other victors. I haven't seen them in over a year! I will be especially happy to see Annie with her son and Johanna. I cannot imagine Johanna in a dress, though. Her sytlists aren't as good as Peeta and I's are, so they will probably stick her in an embarrassing dress. Poor Johanna. Just then, Peeta walks down the staircase to join me. He has on a simple, short sleeved, white button-up and black pants. They let his curls roam free and do nothing with them accept combing them. I love that they did that. His hair looks better when it is natural. He has a very little bit of natural make up on his face and has black dress shoes on.

"You look great." I say.

"I look normal, but thank you. You look amazing!" He says back to me.


I hug him carefully so I don't get makeup on his white shirt.

As I break away, everyone else comes down the stairs, Haymitch wobbling behind them.

"Everybody ready?" Effie says.

A series of yeses and yeahs echo through the room.

"Alright, we are off! Just in time too!"

We board a hovercraft and we are silent the whole way. Just nothing to talk about. When we reach the capitol, so many people are inside. There is a special table for victors and their prep teams. Peeta and I sit next to each other and the prep team files in after us. Other victors are there and eating already so I get a plate and pile on food. Sadly, we sit next to Enobria. I order from right to left, it goes; Annie, her son, Johanna, Enobria, Me, Peeta, Haymitch, Beetee. Nobody to talk to until we are done dinner. I finish dinner quickly and wait patiently for everyone else to finish. My favorite thing I ate is the lamb stew, as usual. Capitol people begin to file out of their seats onto the dance floor with the music slightly playing. I think that when we are all done, they will blast the music and put on disco lights and such. Slowly, the victors get out of their seats too. I quickly rush over to Johanna when she gets up.

"Hey Johanna!"

"Hey Katniss! How are you?"

"I'm great! How has life been for you?"

"Boring as usual. I live alone in my house, go out in public and only a couple people wave. Haven't been asked for any interviews and I'm still too scared of rain and water. I'm also too scared to go out on dates. I'm afraid I might lose him, just like my family."

"I know what you mean about being scared. Well, that's too bad about everything. I've been extremely busy lately with all this capitol stuff to practice for. Did you practice for this?"

"Yeah, all the victors did. We are supposed to have dates to dance with, but I suspect none of us do. I am guessing though that you and Peeta are dancing together?"

She gestures towards Peeta who is talking to Beetee.

"Yeah, I guess."

Speaking of you and Peeta, how are you guys?"

"Uhh good I think."

"Good you think? I heard the other day that you could be knocked up!"

"Oh well I'm not. And umm... kinda a long story!"

Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their LivesWhere stories live. Discover now