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Before you read, there is SEXUAL CONTENT! Yes, I said it. Not specific words or anything though.

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,




We all crowd backstage and listen to the line up of our talents. It's going oldest to youngest so I am last and Peeta follows right before me. The crowd silences as Effie speaks our talents.

"Beetee is first with the talent of repairing, Haymitch is next with the talent of .... um nevermind he doesn't have a talent. Then we have Johanna with wood carving, Annie with net making, Peeta with painting and Katniss with singing."

Everyone perks up about me singing. Oh no. Someone in the crowd asked what happened to the fashion 'passion' I had.

"Well unfortunately we couldn't find a talent for her at that time so her old stylist Cinna made the fashion clothes and gave it to her to present. Rest in peace prep teams and stylists of these victors here."

The crowd claps and falls silent imediatly. I sit on a couch while I wait. It takes a long time for just Beetee so i lay down and quietly fall asleep.

"Katniss...?" Effie shakes me awake.


"Your turn."


I get up, stretch, fix up my hair and wait for my que to walk on the stage. I get it and walk confidently onto the stage. Effie gives me the mic and disapeers.

"Uh hi everyone? I'm Katniss as you know and um ... I was wondering if there was any song you wanted me to sing?"

The crowd screams out random song names.

"Woah, woah let me choose people."

I point to a girl with a bob haircut, her hair a blood red.

"Can you sing the song you sang to Rue?"

"Hmmm yeah I guess."

I sing and then choke up. Rue. Prim. They're gone. I run back stage and curse myself for looking like a coward. Effie takes the mic from me and says that she will put on the song that reminded us of the fallen tributes; If I Die Young by the Band Perry ((or something like that ;p)) . Peeta comes over to me and sits next to me on the floor.

"You alright?"

"I guess. A bit scared for singing for so many people. I haven't sang for anyone I didn't know before...."

"Katniss, you are an AMAZING singer. And you know what I think? I think that your voice turns me on. I know you can do it, alright? Just pretend you are singing for your family." He says, kissing my cheek.

"Alright, I'll try. Only cause it turns you on."


"You wish!" I say and stick out my tounge at him.

Peeta sticks out him tounge slightly and leans down to touch mine.

"Uncalled for!" I schriek.

He laughs evilly and I keep the part he licked out of my mouth.

"It's not like you haven't touched my tounge before!"

"Yeah .... but .... but ...."

I couldn't think of a reason.

Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their LivesWhere stories live. Discover now