Chapter 20 ((epilogue to book 1))

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CHAPTER 20 ((epilogue to book 1))

For weeks, my sickness continues and everyone is frazzled by it. It won't go away! Effie tries to help me all she can, and she is trying to figure out my mysterious illness.

One day, I was going down for breakfast, and everyone stared at me and was silent. Something tells me they figured something out from the sickness.

"Effie, did you figure out anything?"

"Uh... yeah!"

"Well do you mind telling me?!"

"Well, Katniss ....... all those sympotomns point to uh ... pregnancy."

I drop my fork. Everyone stares at me, waiting for me to voice an opinion. As if right on cue, Peeta walks downstairs to join us for breakfast. He takes the empty seat next to Haymitch and notices our blank stares and silence.

"Um... good morning? Why are you all so.... quiet?" He asks, uncertain.

I begin biting my nails out of nervousness. What if I am pregnant? What if I have Peeta and I's baby living inside me right now? How would I tell him?!

"Oh ... kay? " He says, all of use still staring at him or me.

Haymitch leans over to Peeta's ear and tries to whisper something, but I can hear it across the table. Haymitch says;

"You knocked the girl up. Good going."

He has a drunk smile on his face and I look down. I can't look at Peeta. I just can't. I feel Peeta's eyes looking on my head though.

"Katniss .... Please tell me Haymitch is joking."

"I-I don't know yet. I just heard that I have all the signs of pregnancy this morning."

I still can't look at him. I hear his chair pushing out and him walking slowly over to me. I feel a kiss on the top of my head and his arms come around my neck from behind.

"I'll be alright though... I know I will. I'll be alright?" I say, uncertainly.

"I'm sorry." He whispers softly.

"Don't apologize. Please don't. It isn't your fault."

"But it is my fault. So I can say I'm sorry."

"It may be your fault, but you can't help it. So don't say you are sorry. I mean ... it's not even confirmed yet, right?"

"You might want to confirm something" Effie butts in.

Peeta lets go of my neck and lets me get up. I go to my bathroom and find a test way in the back of the cabinet. ((Don't ask me, a le random test is just in the back of her hotel's cabinet :3)) I slide it out of the box and quickly test. I look at the test with no hesitations, but I wish I had.


I'm pregnant.



Continuing the lives of katniss and Peeta


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