The True Prologue

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Character death and killing warning: please skim over if it's too much.

As I walked in I could see people bent over, on their knees with their faces in the palms of their hands and others placing flowers before tombstones. I took in a deep breath as I continued to where I knew his tombstone was, keeping my tears back as best I could. The tip of my nose and the tops of my ears were freezing, but all I could remember at the time was how if he was here he would have come over and pinched my nose and cupped my face in the warmth of his hands. I closed my eyes shut at the thought of him.

The way he cared for me was more than that of my own parents, of my own brother....he was my family.

A tear slid down my cheek.

As I walked further into the cemetery I could see a crowd of people around one tombstone.

That must be his....

I stopped in my tracks to clear my tears but as I did so, all that happened was that more streamed down to replace the old ones.  I turned around to cover my sobs. Stop crying.

Stop crying.

Sometimes the truth is what haunts us. The events that we wished we could have changed follow us without mercy. When we're in middle school going to high school or high school going to college and so on and so forth all we want to do is keep our friends, our best friends that have been with us since before time.

But that's not how life seems to work out.

As we lose people, new people seem to walk in. They don't walk in to take their place, however, they walk in to pull us out of the everlasting sadness that we always thought we would be consumed in. 

But Taehyung... I never wanted to lose you no matter what..... because there are three words that I still don't know if you heard.

....That you should've heard.

But you left before I could tell you....

I love you.


The rain fell harshly across the pavement as you made your way slowly to the unknown place you were headed to. You reached up to pull your hood tighter to your skin as you felt water droplets lightly landing upon it. The sky was gloomy as was the mood in the sketchy neighborhood.

As you passed the old houses you could see some people glaring through their broken windows. "Who is she" you heard from one of the houses. "She shouldn't be out at this time" You sighed as you chose to simply ignore the seemingly worthless caring. Until one statement caught your attention, "Someone's going to die tonight" one of the houses whispered. You flicked your head in the direction of the voice but were met with the slamming of the windows shut. You shook your head to get the thought out of your conscious. No. No dying. You took in a sharp breath and continued with your slow pace. The flickering amber lights were shown all around you not that, that was much consolation.

There was too much on your mind. You had to get away from it all... Just leave the wretched place that you had been locked up in for what seemed like forever. A sigh escaped your mouth as thoughts of what you had done suddenly came to your conscious. You deserved what you had gotten yourself into, didn't you? You deserved the wrath of the world...the wrath of your parents...of your older brother who had warned you against what you had chosen to do. It was your fault.

It was always your fault, a harsh laughter escaping through your slightly parted lips. Tears threatened to cross your cheeks but you held it in, the pain that you had carried for all this time. You brought your hands into the pockets of your jacket as your pace quickened. You glanced to your left as subtly as you could, your ears perking up as they heard footsteps approaching behind you.

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