Chapter 10: Cups and Duality

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Hoseok's POV

"Hoseokie! Don't do that" she called out as I ran after her. A flower was in my hand and I was determined to put it in her silky hair

I could hear her giggles no matter how fast she ran

"No no no no no no" she said shielding herself as I got closer

"Don't you dare" her arms were in the air trying to bat me away violently

One of her arms managed to lightly graze the side of my face and I took the opportunity.

"AHH" I placed a hand over my eye, setting the flower down next to me as we had now fallen to our knees

Her expression twisted into one of pure panic within seconds, worry spilling out of her eyes

"OH MY GOODNESS I'M SO SORRY...HOSEOK please let me see your eye"

I heard the concern in her shaky voice....and I almost felt sorry for tricking her

As soon as she knelt down closer to me I grabbed the flower next to me and placed it in her hair

She folded her arms staring at me with a unamused look

I started laughing

Laughing so much that I fell onto my side

And what was even funnier was how hard she was trying to bite back her own laughter

I pointed at her as I couldn't feel the pain in my stomach anymore

"Too much too much" I said as I continued laughing

She batted me with the grass around us

"Okay okay I'll stop" I said as I continued weakly laughing

My stomach hurt like hell

I looked at her face one more time

She was dead serious

I stopped laughing immediately only to see her own sternness bursting into laughs......


"Huh?" I said utterly confused

She shook her head as she sat me down next to her, resting her head on my shoulder

She played with the fabric of my shirt as we rested peacefully in front of the flower fields

Butterflies flew past us, one even landing upon her finger

She smiled so sweetly at it in that was truly beautiful

Gently she lifted her hand, letting the butterfly gently launch off

I slid the strand of hair that had blown in front of her eyes, behind her ear. The palm of my hand came to rest at her cheeks, my thumb drawing circles upon it

"I love you" I told her

She reached up, pressing her lips to mine

When our lips parted ways she laid her head upon my shoulder. The cool spring breeze gently lifting around us.


I shot up in my bed awaking me from my dream

I gulped reaching for the glass of water next to me, my hand shaking

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