Chapter 3: Double Edged Sword

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"And if that's not enough for you" Seo Yeon said clutching at her cheeks

He leaned in close

"The man who I'm asking you to end

is the same man that put a bullet in Taehyung"

Seo Yeon let go of his grip harshly causing Y/N's cheek to turn to the side. Rage boiled inside of her, her fists clenching at her side.

She looked up at the man

"I'm in."


I unclenched my fists to find blood streaming down my arm. Seo Yeon's men were staring silently at the royal red ink creeping down further and further until it finally landed upon the white tile. I looked up and the person who had given Seo Yeon a cloth met my gaze. I held out my hand and caught the cloth as he threw it over to me. I wiped the blood off and looked up too see the pleased look upon Seo Yeon's face, the corner of his lips curving cruelly.

"A killer is always a killer" he said in a low voice

Not even a single movement of my eyes was given to him, there was no more room for making his desires, realities. There was no room for giving him the satisfaction that I had never forgotten my past life.

I've lived this life a long with you Seo Yeon. I know how to play this game.

You will never

Never again

decipher me.

"Tell me the name."

He laughed a bit "Oh no princess, I'm not the one giving you all the information"

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I was knocked out, the last thing I remember: the stinging pain dealt to my skull.


I slowly gained conscience after being knocked out, though my vision remained blurry for the first few minutes I attempted to analyze my surroundings. 

This was......this was my room.... My heart dropped as I reached out to touch the stuffed animal my mother had given me when I had turned six years old...I hugged it to my chest remembering the way I used to run around the fields with it in my hand. 

The fairy lights that I had used to decorate my walls were still hung up...all of them brightly lit every few inches. I trailed my fingers gently across each of arm eventually halted at my desk and.. And right next to it....exactly as I remembered it all....

I brought it into my hand and turned the lever ever so slowly until the music began playing

The only good memory I had of my father rested in this music box....

I tilted my head looking at the engraving at the bottom span of the box as tears welled up in my eyes

"No season, no darkness can last forever...."

I quickly brought my hand up to my eyes, catching the tears that were about to fall. The beautiful box that had gotten me through my childhood days..the beautiful box that had made me the happiest at the times of my troubles now only brought me sadness...making me remember all of the things I wished to forget.

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