Chapter 16: Staying Alive

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Namjoon's POV

It was perhaps 2 am into the next morning when my phone first went off

My arm lifted on its own with the strings of a puppeteer beneath it as it slammed onto the alarm hoping to somehow turn it off.

Unlike what I would have liked the noise seemed to sound louder, perhaps due to my body rolling closer and closer to the edge of the bed and instead near the side table beside it.

A violent ding kept bouncing from wall to wall til my eyes finally opened themselves, taking in the bright morning light slowly, my hands coming beneath me as I forcefully pushed myself up.

A yawn escaped my parted lips before I swiped at the lock screen

The only figure I could make out was the H in the name but as soon as I did my whole body became alert, my legs jolting up immediately as I reached for my glasses.

My mouth opening slightly as I ran a hand through my hair.

Message after message the desperation grew and grew from Hoseok.

Running chaotically within my bedroom, I quickly tore at my pants before they finally climbed up, my tie in my mouth as I hopped around. 

I reached out for the badge that would grant access to the hospital and let it fall into the blazer pocket.

My shirt was perhaps half tucked in when the door slammed shut behind me, my glasses hanging loosely from where they were supposed to be. My heart felt like it was in a state of panic as I ran down the stairs of my apartment, feet moving as fast as they could without possibly tripping me. 

I held onto the railing before truly questioning what I was doing and jumped down a flight of stairs directly over the railing. As soon as I landed I could feel the instant shock run up and down my legs, my whole body wanting me to reach down and take care of the pain before moving again but it had to wait. I limped further as I walked down the stairs. I could see a door in my peripheral vision making me walk faster and faster down the steps that wouldn't quit spiraling. 

As soon as I reached the door I yanked it open to find an elevator door within my reach. 

Thank the lords I said to myself as I dragged my left foot along. At this point it wouldn't be surprising if I broke anything else.. especially if that something else was me.

It was bound to happen I grunted a bit as I tried to maintain my balance at the slow elevators. 

Goddammit just open I cursed as I pounded my fist against the entrance to my exit. 

*ding* I heard alerting my droopy eyes.

I pushed randomly at the buttons as my eyes couldn't focus, my forehead drenched in sweat. I had to hurry 

hurry hurry hurry 

The elevators stopped at two floors before they continued on.

"I'm sorry please take the next one" I told an elderly couple as I bowed multiple times.

sorry sorry sorry


Luckily, my car was right outside of the elevators. I swung the keys onto my fingers and out of my pocket as I jumped into the drivers seat.

"Set GPS to Seoul Hospital" I said outloud as I backed out of the parking lot.


Hoseok's POV

One of my arms rested upon her protectively as I drove quickly. The hospital was just around the corner and I prayed that Namjoon had gotten there before me... I would need him. 

Sweat was bordering my hair and my forehead as I drove with fear in mind. She couldn't be lost.....I just couldn't...I had to protect her. I drove and I drove trying to find the quickest path there....the fastest....the one with no stoplights...whatever it took. But of course there were obstacles. The traffic was infuriating, making me want to yank the steering wheel so that I could cut through the roads instead of following the curves. It was making me go mad.

My cheeks and face were burning as I couldn't bear to stop the car or lift my hand off from Y/n's arm to turn on the a/c. I was driving beneath the 106 degree heat and I couldn't be bothered by it now.

It was all my fault...I thought as I drifted past a car in front of me.

I took in a few breaths as I tried to calm myself....getting myself killed on the road is not what I needed right now.

Slight coughs tainted the silent air within the car making me turn my head to Y/n.

She looked like she wasn't herself anymore....all the features that defined her almost shriveled and skinned. 

She wasn't like this before....and I knew it was all my fault....for trusting those buffoons.

"Hold on Y/n-ah....please"


Seo Yeon's POV

I tapped the desk. Once. Twice.

GODDAMNIT PARK JIMIN. My hand came down with a crashing force, alerting the guards to the left and right of me. 

How could he have played me?

And even worse how could I have fallen?

I ran my hands through my graying hair as I rose to go to the sink in the bathroom. The door slammed shut behind me with the click of the handle indicating I didn't need anyone to follow. The torrent of water ran quickly some escaping the palms of my hands while others stuck to it with adhesive properties. I spread my fingers so that the gaping holes widened; each water droplet that fell was almost as if it was the embodiment of my power slipping through.

"UGH" I threw my head back before increasing the flow of the water from the faucet. I took an overflowing handful and engulfed my face in it, looking up at my tainted and aging reflection right after.

I needed to wait.


I needed to wait before I could play my next chess piece.



Kim Taehyung....are you ready for your secrets to be revealed?


Are you ready to be useful for once?


A/n: I'm so sorry for such a long wait! But I do hope you all know things are about to take a turn 

Is this officially the mid-point of the book?

I dont know man XD

Either way thank you so much to those who are reading this book, I promise to write to my best abilities :)

Take care of yourselves

        - Sae




Love you all!

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