Chapter 6: Not a Killer

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"You're an idiot if you think you're going to get away with this Hoseok" Namjoon snarled

"Hmm am I?" Hoseok looked amused. 

The men around us had overpowered us and now, Namjoon and I were forced to stand upon our knees. Hoseok bent down, his gun coming beneath Joon's chin as he quickly jerked it up bringing Namjoon's gaze forcefully up to his. He looked at the blonde haired main and let his head drop as he snatched away the gun as quickly as he had slid it there. 

He blew upon his gun as if he were cleaning it then returned it back into its boot pocket.

For a few moments all Hoseok did was pace around before us.


The Phone Call (before Y/N was muffled)

The phone in his left pocket suddenly began buzzing, he fumbled to pull it out of his pocket. As he did, he looked at the caller ID, his smile became brighter than ever.

"Hello how are you appa?" he answered with a bright disposition.

The man on the other end wasn't in the mood for jokes

"I need your help." the man answered immediately, ignoring the fact that he had just been called Appa

"Ahh is that how you greet me? Only calling me for business purposes now are you?" Hoseok said, his smile now failing him.  What had once been happiness was replaced by heavy heartedness.

"That's not..."

Hoseok sighed cutting the man off "What do you need "

"A  favor."


After a minute or so had passed Hoseok quit moving around. His feet were now planted in the spot that was just two feet away from me. He waved his gun at the men holding Namjoon and I captive.

They let go of us and I immediately went in for the punch.

"Not so fast princess" Hoseok said, catching my punch before it even reached him.

He took it and bent my arm behind me bringing it up to my shoulder blades.

He stood directly behind me now. I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

Namjoon was once again in the arms of the men who had released him. His head flicked in between them, trying to plan his escape.

"You will follow my orders" a dark laughter left Hoseok's lips as he talked to me   "Believe it or not Y/'re the reason why  Namjoon  is an orphan." 

I turned a bit to face him, a smug expression crossing onto my lips.

"That was the most bull of a lie I have ever heard" I said chuckling. 

"Mm is it now...well then don't you remember her" He held up a picture of the head noona I used to work with.  I blinked twice as words failed me.


"Died." Hoseok finished

I looked between Namjoon who was still trying to fight against the men and the picture that was forced into my sight.

"And if you don't want Namjoon to know how your last mission went you will shut your mouth"

Hoseok dragged my arm even further up causing me to yell out in pain....and...arms don't bend that way. Hoseok came even closer to me, holding my gaze.

He stood taller than me by only a few inches. Black jacket and black jeans. His hair was parted in the middle. I looked down at his hands. They spoke truths louder than he had. 

He had never held a gun I realized. First mistake: it was still loaded and pointed directly at his foot. Second mistake: His shooting finger was still on the trigger and not even that, his other pinky was quite near the trigger as well when he held it by his side. 

I looked at his stance, how his knee was directly in the path of my leg. Had I raised my foot a bit and kicked him, his stature would be broken.

I returned my gaze to his. 

He wasn't a killer....

There was no cruelty within him....

 There was no visible hatred that I saw through him... if nothing it was more like....pain

"You're not a killer." I breathed out only enough for him and I to hear it

" Is that so" he said after a moment of hesitation. He pointed his gun out to the side, letting it hit the trashcan right next to one of his men. I jolted back a bit by the sudden action. He retracted his gun. His jawline was sharp as he twisted his head to one of his men.

"Blind fold them"

He put his gun up to Namjoon's head "Don't even try to resist" he said glaring at me. 

I clenched my jaw as I let the men wrap a black cloth around my head, once, twice and tie it around the third time.

I was practically thrown into the back of a van and winced as Namjoon landed on my arm.

"Sorry" I heard his faint voice.

The blind fold not only covered up my eyes, but my ears as well.

We were blind from all senses.

"There's definitely something wrong" I said partially to myself as I knew Namjoon couldn't clearly hear me.

The ride was bumpy as Joon and I got tossed from side to side.

At one point I could hear Hoseok's men laughing as Namjoon and I slammed into the left side of the van.

"Urghh" Namjoon grunted.

I tried to reach around for anything sharp. Anything at all, to cut us free but there was nothing near my grasp.

We had to wait out the car ride.

Sorry for the boring chapter everyone but hang in there :)

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