Chapter 9: Polaroids and Memories

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Namjoon's POV

"HAH" I laughed viciously as I tried to comprehend what the man had just said. I laughed more and more, and as I did the more and more the sarcasm within it grew

"You" I was saying in between laughs "want me to believe" I held my hand to my stomach

Hoseok's hand came to meet my cheek, my head turning violently to the side. I looked up at the man who had dared to lay even a finger on me. Anger fueled within me. My fists clenched tightly and my gaze unwavering, staring holes into the side of the man's head.

"You will listen to me" Hoseok said grabbing a gun firmly in his hand.

He started twisting it within his grasp.

"The Y/N you know is only your partner for one mission...but there is .much .more. to her....she is a part of something bigger...prone to a bigger threat So if you Kim Namjoon want her to stay alive even for one more day, you will do as I say"

I gulped unwillingly, swallowing the lump that was in my throat. Something about the man made me feel uneasy....and something else made me feel as though he was telling me the truth.

"And how do I know this isn't just some trick" I spat out

He simply looked at me. Reaching into his pocket and pulling out an old worn-down polaroid.

"Believe me." he said



Yoongi's POV

I cut the apple into pieces before crashing back down onto the couch. "You were supposed to be back by now Y/N-ah" was the only thing going through my head.

A sound from the kitchen snapped me out of my daze but I continued flipping through the channels.

"Breaking News in Seoul..." my eyes narrowed at the mention of the place.

Seoul..that cursed city

Another sound arose from the kitchen, one which again I decided to ignore


"Seoul has now reported that...." I flipped through the channels

My anger was at its peak....Another noise from the kitchen.

"WHATT?!" I yelled and stormed off to recieve the phone

"What do you...."

"Sir, Mr.Min've been gone long enough. We need you back at the office. Now."

The line on the other end died as my assistant didn't give me any choice.

I smashed the phone into the ground as I ran a hand through my hair. 

Just three weeks off from work and they already couldn't handle themselves huh?

I walked into the bathroom attempting to clean myself up.

I was a mess.

My lips were chapped and a faded pale pink. Hair was poking out in all directions. I raised my hand to my not so long ago shaven face which was now scruffy. 

I sighed as my head hung low.

I grabbed the razor out of the cabinet and began cleaning myself up

and finally getting my act together.

Almost a month had gone by without me knowing how my best friend was...and it absolutely tore me up.


A Month and a Half Ago (At the Cemetery)- m.yg's POV

Her lashes were wet with tears as she looked at the tombstone. Her own arms providing her support as she captured herself in an embrace.

They tightened around her as I soon saw her fingernails were digging into her own skin.

I quickly reached out to grab her hand, causing her to turn back to arm came up and circled around her own shoulders as I brought her close to me.

"He was a fighter" I whispered to her

"He was" she responded back as we began walking out of the Cemetery

He was her savior.....I knew that....he kept her on her feet

Yet you had to leave her

How could you Kim Taehyung.

I felt my own cheek wet with newly found tears, ones I hadn't dared to shed ever in my life. I quickly reached to dry them before Y/N could notice.

"Y/N......" I spoke up

Her head rose from my shoulders, her expectant eyes focused on what I was about to say...but my words seemed to have been caught in my throat and all I could do in that moment was look at her for how strong she was.

"Everything will be okay" I managed to choke out as I brought her in once again for an embrace.

A slight smile was returned to me as she fell into the hug.

"I really do hope so Yoongs" she said to me before her hands around me tightened

"I really do hope so....."

I smoothed down her hair as I allowed her to cry into my arms that day.

The day that I realized I had never seen her so broken..........

Kim Taehyung.

He was one of the only kids that dared to get close to me whilst we trained together. A brave soul considering I was still fighting addictions back then.  As I grew closer to Y/N I realized Taehyung couldn't be avoided as he only grew closer to my heart as well.

He was my little brother.

Maybe not by blood...but had I had a choice....It would've been me in that grave.

And Y/N was someone I had to protect with my life

For I knew

no matter if he was gone or not

He would've nagged me to take care of her. 

I smiled bitterly at my thoughts

You couldn't have just stayed alive stupid?


And before I knew it, Y/N was no longer the one tight in my embrace but vice versa....

My head on her shoulder as she smoothed a hand down my back.

"It's okay Yoongs" she whispered to me as we both cried together.

Without that rascal...nothing would ever be the same again....

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