Chapter 18: Filtered

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Yoongi's POV

I scrolled past the text messages that were filled with pictures of you lying in a hospital bed, unconscious.

 My soul, my everything was fighting within me chaining me to the room I resided in.

 I relied on my mask, covering half of my face revealing the other. The mask itself beautiful, neon pink paint dripping down my lips and sealing them as my eyes were marked with similarly colored rose X's. 

I hid, scared. Knowing to face the world, to rip off that max wouldn't even take a split moment, however I stood frozen when it came to the action of doing so.

But I also rose. 

From beneath the floor that hid the ashes. Knowing the torment that was running wild within me and spreading beyond it's parameters, was indeed the illusion I had so easily idealized for myself. 

She could be gone.

She could be gone and I wasn't moving.

She could exist no more and the filter that concealed truth from me would tell me, scream to me, that it would be all my fault, for not holding her hand till her very last breath. For not at the very least seeing her off for one second, for the split second before her eyes closed forever.

But I, the me who was crumpled and stomped upon by the ashes that had been spread across the floor of my false reality...... was still there

The neon lights ran down my chin and my neck as the power now flourished in my veins.

It was tainting me to the point of no return. It was tainting me till the point of no return, hoping it could control me, that it's facade would overpower me and hide me away.

I felt the pain surge through me, my whole body doubling over as the poison reached my abdomen. My legs went numb as did my arms, the pupeteer taking over the control of my body. 

I took one step forward till the next followed.

I was.....I was walking towards the door.

The white shoelaces of my shoe appeared an ebony black before my throat began closing up.

I felt constricted, unable to breathe.

My eyes feeling as though they could pop out of my sockets at any moment.

My hand slowly shook as it rose, rising till the picture I had been staring at not to long ago was in front of me once more. I was confused.

Confused was an odd word to describe this moment, perhaps paralyzed would be literal but as soon as I saw a small smile, curving it's way to my Y/n's face I knew it wasn't the demons inside me that were fighting against me now.

It was me.


I shuddered at the low voice that rung in my ears.

My eyes closed shut before I could control them.

A screaming breath launched itself out of me as I felt as though my soul was draining.

My body dragged forward before I even had time to process anything.

A black silk robe, a masked man.

Their footsteps approached me as I was now held captive on my knees, my arms locked behind me, unable to move.

"Who-Who are you" I managed to whisper, perhaps rather whimper

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