Chapter 17: The Sun, the Dress

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Three Weeks Later

The sun had risen from its deep slumber like it had done for all the precious days, however today it seemed to burn a bit brighter, lighting people's paths without rest.

 The air embraced skin with a touch counter to a feather but it still promised to be gentle, careful not to chase everyone back inside. The stepping stones  that led across the river, themselves,  felt like they had been immersed in lava before they had been set out again yet that didn't stop any of the little children running around, happily. 

Kim Seokjin smiled as he saw the kids splash each other with water, each turning away to hide their smiles only to splash back twice as much. Their giggles filled the air as they twirled around each person, lightening the mood. It was a good day. 

Seokjin's POV

I dragged my feet along the pavement as I continued on my way to the river. 

It was sweltering, practically burning our skin off, or perhaps that was just how I felt.....the feeling that I was being torn at, this time from outside in. 

My muscles ached as one foot was forced in front of the other. I had to endure this...I had to walk it off. 

Soon the pain would go away, wouldn't it? 

As soon as I saw the bench within my view I attempted to move faster, hoping that I could sit and relax without any bother. Children ran all around the area bringing a smile to my face. Their laughs filled the air and swam from one person to another, calming us as we all desperately clung on to the branch that kept us from falling into the void of our problems. 

One of the kids slowly made their way up to me "Hello sir, could you please get that toy down from the tree for me" he said with a pout on his face. As I followed his finger to where it was pointed, I realized that it was on the tallest tree I had ever seen, one that I could not possibly climb up and back down.

 "I'll try and ask someone to get it down for you okay?" I said smiling at the boy with a baseball cap. He didn't smile back breaking my heart a bit, but it made sense. He wanted his toy back. 

"Would you like to come with me to get it back?" I asked him, my legs straightened as I held my hand out for him to take. The crease of his lips was visible making me feel warmth. His small fingers trailed forward to find mine as we began walking towards the tree.

A lot was on my mind that day. Like where in the world was I? And how exactly would I get back to Namjoon and Y/n....

Were they even okay?

How long has it been?

My head hurt from the multitude of questions roaming around, everything in the world had distanced itself from me all this time I had been locked up in that jail cell and that itself hurt. It wasn't until the female guard came by and dropped her hair tie that I had realized I had bobby pins on myself (for hair emergencies... no further questions).

I watched every day as the bare minimum food was brought to people in front of my cell and even less was given to me. I watched how the locks were unlocked. How all I had to do at the end of the day was wait until the cameras were no longer focused on me and the guards were all on break.

"Sir" the little kid tugged at my hand beside me knocking me out of my daze

"Yes?" I asked with a friendly smile. 

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