Chapter 2: Why

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I looked around the massive palace as it was lit with candles every few inches, the fire blooming everywhere in the house. The chandelier that hung above me was hanging onto the ceiling with its last grip as the cement around it was almost completely cracked, at anytime it could fall and smash an innocent life into smithereens. He definitely kept the chandelier up there for that purpose if I wasn't wrong, I thought to myself. My nose scrunched up in disgust. My gaze averted to the path I was walking on. A body was lying lifeless in front of me, only the side of his face visible to my eyes along with his unmoving form. I covered my mouth before I could let out a noise from shock.

Even for a killer a dead body was painful to face....

I reached down to try and feel the person's pulse but he was long gone. I walked around the pool of blood that stained the white marble flooring, praying that he didn't have any family he was responsible for.

The Boss took a cloth in his hand and rubbed away at the blood that was quite apparent on his knuckles. He threw the cloth at the man who had initially give it to him and looked back at me. Immediately, I changed my expression to a blank face, where he was unable for him to read me. He smirked as he made his way towards me.

"I saw you check the man's pulse Y/N" he said with no regret of even killing the man

"You're disgusting" I spat out

"Did you check if the man..."

"Had any family? Well of course he did" he chuckled darkly

"After you left your position do you really think any of us cared to check that kind of crap?"

I knew it was a direct shot at me but I didn't let it get to me as I simply moved further into the mansion avoiding the evil gaze of his. I looked around and saw portraits of my family. I looked away. I didn't need this burden, i've moved long past this I thought. I turned to face the Boss.

"You hung these pictures up on purpose you jerk now tell me why exactly I would ever cooperate with your sorry ass" I stated as I stepped closer.

He stepped up to meet my force equally.

"Because the pleasure of killing him will set you free" he said with a twitch of his cheek.

I scoffed and shook my head as I folded my arms at his unreasonable request. His words didn't even make sense, there was nothing in this world that held me back anymore anyway. "I'm already free" I said at the level of a whisper and I turned away, back on the path that allowed me to exit the mansion.

I walked and walked, death stares being given to me by all of the men that worked for the Boss. These poor corrupted people....

I looked down continuing to the way out the door. As I attempted to step out of the doorway a hand came in front of me. I followed the arm up to its face

"Jimin?" I asked confused

He slowly stood taller, his arm reaching for something in his pocket.

He pulled out a brown wallet and sprung it open.

Pictures of him and Taehyung where everywhere. My lips parted slightly in confusion.

I traced Taehyung's face with my fingertips seeing just how happy he was.

A picture with his arm slung across Jimin's shoulder. Another of them splashing water onto each other...

"Wha...What?" I asked

"There's answers about Taehyung that I can give you" he told me sternly. The coldness in his eyes never left, but the tears that welled in them were true...Truer than true as I saw them in my own eyes every morning that I woke up.

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