Chapter 13: Hyung?

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Jimin's POV

As I rang the doorbell I could only imagine the questions he would ask me. I had been gone for over two years and now I suddenly need a place to stay? Wasn't that suspicious? you're being ridiculous Jimin just shut up I told myself.

Why was I always like this? Why did I always doubt myself?

I looked at the vending machine that was installed a few feet away from the door I was standing in front of. Recess, Trail Mix, Snickers, Chips, Doritos..I laughed as I looked at the snacks and each one still made my mouth water just like when i was a kid. I sighed as I looked down at the address I was holding in my hand.

I'm at the right place I told myself, quit worrying....

except when the door opened little did I know...I wasn't


"Hyung?" the voice faltered as large doe eyes met with mine. The man had deep black hair and was now towering over me...but the last time I saw him all I could remember was that it was the exact opposite.

"....hyung...?" he said again as he opened the door wider, tears clearly forming in his eyes

I stood frozen.

The address I was holding in my hand dropped to the ground.

Winds rustled around me and I could feel myself slowly spiraling, my legs feeling weak.

"Jungkook...?" I whispered out

"Jungkookieeeee" I heard a little girl's voice skipping towards the door. My head turned to see the joyful girl. She was holding a small pink bunny toy as she held onto Jungkook's hand

"Who's this Jungkookie?" she asked of him.

Jungkook's eyes hadn't left mine as a tear trailed down his cheek. His mouth was open as if he wanted to tell her something he looked at her then back at me.

"....Just a friend who abandoned me a long time ago" he answered weakly as he now could barely look at me.


Hoseok's POV

"Where's Y/N?" I asked as soon as I entered my home. I threw my jacket onto the ground as I ran to her room.

Guards were on the floor..everywhere.

"Shit." I cursed as I ran faster

"Y/N!?" I screamed as I opened every door that I came across.

When I finally arrived where I saw her the night before I saw that the door was untouched. I peered inside even though I was unable to see with the small window the door had. The door knob wouldn't turned no matter how hard I tried. 

I ran a hand through my hair as i paced back and forth "Ughh" I grunted as I ran into the door, shoulder first.

The door wouldn't budge.

I ran into the door once more this time with the door falling onto the ground a long with me.

A great amount of dust was picked up off the ground making the figure that was curled up into a ball start to cough violently

"Y/n..."I whispered as I brought her closer to me

She kept on coughing as I held her.

"Please don't leave me Taehyung..." she whispered out. My breath caught in my throat as I saw her eyes closed. There were dry tears crusting on her cheek.

"Pleased...don't" she said again weakly.

Her lips were now a more obvious blue than they had been the last time I saw her.

"What have you been doing?" I cursed. I looked around the room only to find that all the food we had given her in the past week, had gone uneaten.

"You stupid girl" I whispered out.

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