Chapter 15: Figuring out the Chess Board

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"A prison like this can only hold me for so long"he whispered as he had finally picked the lock with the bobby pin he just so happened to have stored in his pocket.The lock opened with a small click, Seokjin put the other end of the bobby pin into his mouth as he fumbled to fully open the jail cell.

"And they mock me for wanting to look good" he said as he looked at the mirror that was set up down the hall. He stared at his reflection, trying to capture all angles of his face.

"Even after what....a month or two?...I haven't lost my touch"he smiled at himself only to notice how pale he had really gotten.

His smile faded..."Damn...."he stared down at his chapped lips

He could feel the violent cough emerging from his mouth but he had to remain silent if he was going to successfully get out of here....

It pained him to keep it in, his chest immediately throbbing as if someone had punched him there with the force of a thousand tons.

He bent over trying to control his breathing before he walked further and further out into the rest of the jail cells

People of all ages...of all heights and of all races were thrown into these jail cells.

What was this place?

He looked up above where the ceiling should have been but only saw the piping that ran through the place, occasionally he would see a few leaks coming down in the dark and opaque cells.

The women on his right was almost soaked from the water yet she seemed unmoving.

She had brown hair and her skin was peeling off here and there and from what he could make out, he assumed she had been there for quite the while. He couldn't quite see her face as it fell over in long strands, covering anything and everything.

I have to get everyone out of here he told himself as he bit down on his lip.

A light, an opening and a breeze, some sun shone through too as he looked up slightly....

I have to escape right now...but I promise to come back

I promise.

But first, I have some business to tend to.


Hoseok's POV

Just keep driving I told myself.

Her body had still laid limp in the seat next to mine and the longer I looked at her the more my heart panged in my chest. She moved slightly from time to time but beyond that you would barely notice she was in the car had you sat in the back seat.

"How could it have come this far" I silently cursed at myself

I dialed the numbers of the only person I knew who could help me now.

"Please pick up" I prayed over and over again. Black and white vans zoomed past me as I drove with the steering wheel in one hand. The amount of horns honking at my car was insane.

"GO AROUND" I had yelled at one of them as they wouldn't stop making such a ruckus.  I looked back down at the phone which rang longer and longer each time I called

The line had gone silent for a moment....

"'ve reached the voicemail"

"GODDAMNIT"I said as I turned my phone off

"Ughh" I ran a hand through my hair as I looked out for the directions to the hospital

"I need you to pick up hyung" I thought as I dialed his home number

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