Chapter 19: A Harsh Kiss

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Hoseok's POV

My mind failed to think right in the moments before I knew her hands would kiss my cheek.

The anger built up in her was something I missed so utterly and completely as she walked up to me....I could see her shaking, the vein in her forehead poking out, her cheeks still as they dare not curve upwards, her eyebrows furrowed but through it all.....through it all I couldn't help but see her beauty.

I couldn't help but look at her fair skin, her lips that I had seen smile before these moments, her laugh that I could hear ringing through my ears, her voice that played melodically around me and taunted me with it's pure sweetness

....I couldn't help but look at her

and see past the anger that would forever be paired with me

and only see the one I heard about could cream anyone at the assassin's level of my...of our favorite video game.

The one that didn't cook well but you bet she would know the exact words to make you cook for her.

The one that listened to your music, your soul and didn't leave.

The one that listened to your words, you laughter and loved everything about you.

The one that was loyal past your imagination.

The one I would do anything for had our situation permitted.

And why?

Why you may ask

Am I so helplessly in love with someone I had seemingly never met

Well.....well because I have met her, I have known her

and though it was that one week before I got drawn out of the orphanage, I fell helplessly in love with her.

And as I visited my friends for the next few months, I would remain hidden. See her beautiful flowing hair that encompassed her face perfectly, that matched her smile and gave it more perfection.

She would always stay by my brothers' side and that, that was the pushing point, that was when I was sure of wanting to take care of her.

.....I wanted to take care of her as she took care of everyone else.

In a way you could say I knew nothing from her own words...but I saw everything.

My jaw clenched as the roughness of her palm had finally stricken my cheek, the redness of the print upon my face was something I was sure would be visible soon enough.

"Y/n...." I began

"No...just don't-

Don't explain anything....don't say anything.

I'm not dumb Hoseok

I know you're not the killer nor anyone I should fear."

"I know you took care of me for whatever reason but that's about as far as I will go with acknowledging you. "

"Now get me out of here." the fragility of her stature was nothing when her confidence enveloped her, something I couldn't help but admire.

I smiled slightly making her crinkle her forehead further

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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