Chapter 12: Disparate

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"Yes, but that is not the project we are proposing" Hoseok replied to the man who was beet red from yelling for the past two hours of the meeting.

His cool manner faced with the other man's outright rage surprised Namjoon to the core. It wasn't just any day you would walk by someone who turned every negative comment into something constructive.

"I SEE WELL THEN I BELIEVE WE BOTH AGREED TO SEEMINGLY DIFFERENT PROJECTS MR.HOSEOK. HAVE A GOOD DAY." the man picked up his clipboard and pen as he stormed off towards the door.

Hoseok met Namjoon's gaze signaling for him to do something.

"Uh..sir" Namjoon said as he moved between the door and the fuming businessman

"Please do let Mr. Hoseok propose the plan one more time" Namjoon requested

The man huffed once before fixing his suit and resuming his place in the conversation

"You have five minutes, Hobi" the man replied


Namjoon looked over at Hoseok who seemed to smile while looking back over the plans

"So, what I must clarify further is..."

Everything about Hoseok seemed to throw Namjoon off. At one point of the day Hoseok was a professional and successful CEO yet at the other he was twisting a gun within his grasp, getting business done and dealt with.

Whereas at one point Hoseok smiled, at the other he glared into the depths of those who wronged him.


"Namjoon!" Hoseok repeated

"Ye.Yes" Namjoon said snapping himself out of his confused daze

"Please lead him out" Hoseok pointed to the man who Namjoon watched shake Hoseok's hand, though it must not have registered in his mind that the deal was done. Both of the respective men were standing awkwardly in front of Namjoon

"This way please" he told the man as he opened the door.

Hoseok nodded at Namjoon, once again returning to his regular seriousness.

As the door closed behind Namjoon, he was able to catch a glimpse of Hoseok running his hand through his hair, waiting for a person on the other end of the phone to pick up.

"Hi!" he heard Hoseok's voice before the door permanently locked behind Namjoon.

Namjoon followed the man to his car and as they waited at the massive parking lot before Hoseok's Company he noticed that the man was swaying a bit, back and forth as he looked at the papers in his hands.

"Sir" Namjoon spoke up

"Hmm" the man answered giving Namjoon the permission to go on

"If I may ask....have you known Hoseok before this business deal?"

The man laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling and his glasses slipping slightly down the bridge of his nose.

The man reached up a finger to fix his glasses into place and looked up at Namjoon.

"I knew...somebody" the man replied, his eyes reached Namjoon's again after a moment's hesitation.

"I knew Hobi."

Namjoon nodded slowly as he looked over at the dark blue car that was pulling up in front of them. He reached out for the door handle and allowed the man to enter.

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