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"Tae, don't talk with your mouth full" Jungkook smiled at his friend, they had moved into the kitchen where they were eating instant ramen, a normal occurrence when Jin wasn't home to prepare any proper meals for them

"But Kookie, you saw it right! it was so pretty" Taehyungs word coming out barely coherent as he continued to chew and talk "Ah~ I really wish our sky looked that pretty" Taehyung whipped his head back as he imagined the sights

"Tae, we were in Norway only last year, you've seen a sky like that before" Jungkook snickered at his forgetful friend

"Oh! You're right" The boys continued to talk about the film they had recently saw when they heard the click of the of a lock and muffled sounds, they both turned their focus to the entry way of the kitchen as three of their friends walked in and settled their stuff down and took seats with them

"Hyung's, you're home" Jungkook's voice went a bit higher, he was surprised to see them, Taehyung had moved from his meal and was currently latched onto one of his friends, sporting his distinct smile

"Is it finished yet?" He spoke as he rubbed his cheek against the others causing him to wince with one eye and make playful annoyed sounds

"Aish~ You ask every day" Hoseok said as he playfully pushed Taehyung away and tickled his sides a little, laughter quickly filled the kitchen as Jungkook watched on at the playful pair

A shorter male stood to the side eyeing the situation, he didn't have to say anything his glare said everything for him and the two stopped and apologetically smiled at the elder

"Is Jin not back yet?" the voice of the third male cut through the awkward tension, he looked around for his friend "I guess not, or he'd be in here"

"He went out with Jimin right?" a dull voice spoke with little interest "Uh, hang on, I'll text him" Yoongi pulled out his phone and scrolled through his messages looking for the contact he was after­­

"So, what did you two get up to today?" Namjoon spoke pulling everyone's attention away from Yoongi "Don't tell me you just played games all day"

The boys eyed the elder as he moved towards the fridge "I wouldn't say all day" Jungkook started

"Mhm and what would most people say?" Namjoon turned to face him, his lips spread into a thin line and raising one eyebrow, Taehyung snickered and walked towards Namjoon and put a hand on his shoulder causing his expression to change to one of curiosity

"I worked on this a little today" He handed him a folded-up piece of paper, unfolding it Namjoon's eyes darted along the paper, he was quickly joined by Hoseok who's movements mimicked his friends, the boys stopped and looked at each other before looking at Taehyung

"Is this-" Hoseok started to speak before his was cut off by the excited younger "Just think about it, please" Taehyung held his hands together swaying from side to side, sending his hyung's a wink between the movements, the elders laughed at him and Hoseok ruffled his hair, Taehyung had always wanted to join in on the boys projects, they found his persistent admirable

"Jimin said they'll probably be another 45 minutes to an hour, they said not to worry about dinner they'll eat out" Yoongi spoke as he walked towards the island of the kitchen and leant on it, Namjoon walked towards the counter looking disheartened and placed food onto it and grabbing a knife preparing to make meals for everyone, he was quickly stopped as Hoseok grabbed his wrist

"I think you should probably leave the cooking to me and Yoongi, Mr. cuts an onion with the back of the knife" Namjoon blushed with embarrassment as the others all laughed at his innocent mistakes. 

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