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Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed, nervously playing with his fingers as he bit on his lip
"Tae..." Hoseok's voice was soft as he sat down next to the younger and placed his hand gently on his thigh, using his thumb to create soft circular motions as a means to try relax him
"Do you want to talk about it?" It was Jungkook who spoke next, his face showed worry, eyes slightly glossy, the thought of his dear friend using anything was tugging at his heart, breaking down the walls he'd built up 
"It's..... it's not what it seems..." his voice was so small and weak, his head hung in disappointment, he looked up, tears brimming at the corners of his eyes, Jungkook reached forward and pulled him into a tight hug, rubbing his hyung's hair to let him know it was alright and that they were here for him
"They help me sleep..." a strained noise came from Taehyung, muffled by the younger's chest, he pulled away from the boy and asked him to repeat what he had said
"They.....help me sleep..." Hoseok's gaze softened
"You use sleeping pills, Tae?" a soft nod came from the him, Hoseok softly smiled and Jungkook let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding
"Tae... that's nothing to be ashamed of" he brushed the tears away from his red cheeks and laughed lightly
"Heaps of people around the world use them Tae? Why does it make you sad that you use them?" Jungkook finally sat down and met Taehyung's eyes
"It makes me feel weak... that I can't escape my own nightmares without using something to help" he looked to the floor, both boy's hearts broke as it words, sniffles escaped Taehyung, it hurt him letting the other's see him like this, all the boy's knew Taehyung came from a rough background, half of them did, that's why they were here, but he so rarely spoke about it that it felt like a kick in the gut for them to hear about it, Jungkook knew the elder got nightmares, it's why he so often ended up in his bed, consoling the other until he was able to sleep again, but he had no idea that they were so bad he had to use something to help him
"Who else know's?" their attention was drawn to the doorway where a shameful looking Yoongi stood, Taehyung visibly cowered back, he hadn't forgotten how the other was jumping at him with angry judgmental thoughts just minutes ago, Yoongi tensed, he felt awful, he shouldn't of jumped at Taehyung so quickly
"Jin...." Taehyung's voice was back to being soft and scared, Jungkook glared at Yoongi and Hoseok's mouth was in a tight line, Yoongi ignored them and walked closer to Taehyung and knelt down in front of him
"Tae...I'm really sorry, I overreacted, I should of waited to hear you out" he looked away and scoffed
"Yeah.... you should of" his mouth fell into a pout as his eyebrows furrowed and he folded his arms, letting out a huff, Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle
"Could you forgive me?" Yoongi felt like a wounded puppy, his pride had be kicked and he felt awful for hurting his friend, Taehyung looked back at him and smiled as he held his hand
"Ofcourse, I know you're just stressed Hyung, you're really a good person!" His smile grew into its unique  boxy shape, it was a touching moment between the two but it wouldn't last for long
"Wait.. how come you told Jin but not me?" it was Jungkook's turn to pout now, Taehyung's eyes widened and he turned to the younger and placed his hands on Jungkook's knees
"Jungkook! no! It's not like that... Jin was the one who took me to the doctor, this was before you were here Kookie" Jungkook still pouted but nodded in understatement, Hoseok had been silent the whole time and it was now that the others noticed and looked in his direction, his brows deep in thought, face showed many mixed emotions
"Hobi Hyung.....?" Hoseok didn't pay any attention to the voice and just kept looking at his hands
"Taehyung" he finally looked up and looked the younger directly in the eyes, his tone was serious
"If Jin was the only one who knew you took them..... how did the texter?"

AN: Finally an update, I'm sorry it's so crappy, I'm trying for you guys! aha, Happy Holidays!

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