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Namjoon and Jin rushed into the hospital, people were hurriedly running around the emergency room tending to those in need of care
"Excuse me-" Namjoon tried to gather the attention of the staff at the reception desk only to be ignored
"Geez what do you think happened here?" 
"Probably something serious" the pair watched the chaos around them, standing still in a sea of moving blurs, the atmosphere was overwhelming
"Jin! Namjoon" their attention was pulled to the orange haired male waving at them from across the room, they made their way over to the waiting area, pushing past people in the nicest way they could
"Hoseok, what happened here?" Jin took a seat next to him and ruffled his hair
"I overheard there was an accident, they're preparing to bring someone in I think? I hope they're okay, it sounded serious" Hoseok sat there, hands clasped together, rubbing  his thumbs over his knuckles in an anxious manner 
"Is Jimin okay?" his head flew up to look at Namjoon, a blank look on his face before it clicked what he was referring to
"Jimin? Shit, yeah, Jimin" he rubbed his hands over his face and let out a long sigh
"I don't know, I don't know what happened, he was just fine one second and then..." Namjoon finally took a seat on the other side of Hoseok 
"It's the same as you isn't it?" Namjoon gave him a sad frown
"...yeah" Hoseok weakly nodded his head in agreement
"I think so.. it just seems, worse for him?" Jin saw the tears that gathered in his eyes as he spoke, it broke his heart to see someone so happy be so down, he moved to be in front of Hoseok, kneeling and holding onto his knees
"Hoseok... it's going to be okay, you know that right?" he sniffed and nodded, moving to wipe his tears away
"Jin... I thought about it and.... if Jimin.. if Jimin is admitted.. I'll go with him" the two looked at him shocked
"Hoseok, you-"
"Okay" Namjoon looked at Jin wide eyed 
"Jin, you-"
"Namjoon, this is Hoseok's decision, don't think I'm not for a second worried about him, but he's an adult, he can make his own choices" a sad silence fell over them before Jin stood up
"I'm going to see if there's any news on Jimin" he walked off towards the desk when his phone started to buzz, pulling it out he looked at the caller ID, confused, he proceeded to answer it
"Taehyung? Did you find Yoongi?" the line was crackly, he couldn't only make out the faint sounds of sobbing on the other side
"Tae? Tae what's wrong?" his heart started to race, there was still no reply
"Hyung...." Jin froze, was this really Taehyung? his voice sounded so weak and broken
"Tae, where are you? are you okay?" 
"Hyung.... I'm in trouble" the boy managed to choke out through his cries, his breath steadily growing uneven 
"Hyung.. there after me, they think it was me-" the line went dead, Jin was left there worried and afraid of his friend
"Tae!? Taehyung!?" there was nothing but the eerie static and the lingering dial tone as his answer, he hadn't realized he was stuck standing in the middle of the walkway until he was roughly pushed aside as a gurney was rushed passed him, as he took in the sight of the patient, if Jin didn't think this was already a bad day for him, it would quickly become one of the worst he would ever have to live through
"Jungkook.......?" he knee's trembled as he watched the bed disappear behind the double doors, he frantically looked around, he was looking for any answer, anything to tell him that it wasn't just Jungkook he had seen in that condition, he spotted a pair of officers entering the room, he rushed up to them
"Excuse me! That boy, do you have his name?" they looked at him up and down, frowns etched onto their face 
"We don't have a name, did you recognize the victim?" 
"Victim? what do you mean victim?" Jin looked at them shocked
"It was a car accident-"
"Jungkook, his name is Jeon Jungkook! there- there should of been another boy with him, about the same height, light brown hair, his name is Kim Taehyung?" the officers looked at one another before one turned away to speak into his radio
"Suspects name is Kim Taehyung, can we get an APB on that-"
"Suspect!? What do you mean suspect?" Jin began to shout at them, why did they think Taehyung was the suspect for a car accident
"Sir, you need to calm down, a witness at the scene claimed the victim was pushed in front of the vehicle by the suspect, when we tried to question him he ran-"
"You're wrong! Taehyung would never do that! Not to Jungkook" 
"Sir, do you have any contact information for Mr. Jeon's next of kin?"
"...it's me... I'm his current guardian" he couldn't look them in the eyes, couldn't let them see the anger that grew within his
"Okay, Sir, we're going to have to go over some-"
"Sorry, I- I can't um... please direct everything to that man over there, he was also a legal guardian" He meekly waved his arm in Namjoon's direction as he passed by the officers and walked out of the hospital, he kept walking, then jogging and eventually he was in a full sprint, he didn't know where he was running to, he just knew he needed to find Taehyung 

"Hyung...." Taehyung could hear Jin's worried voice, he sat there, still and lifeless, the only thing showing he was still alive were the tears running down his face 
"Hyung.... I'm in trouble-" he felt numb, empty, was Jungkook dead? was that the last time he would ever see one of the closest people in his life, and- like that?
"Hyung.. there after me, they think it was me-" his phone died, he dropped his arm down, it fell heavily against his side, he would be happy to die here right now, if it meant he didn't feel like that, was that the last time he would ever hear Jin's voice, they never found Yoongi, would he ever get to see him again too? all these thought's filled his mind, his heart ached, it felt as if he was being pulled down, into a dark abyss he wouldn't be able to climb out of, the tears began to fall more, his nose becoming congested and his breathing uneven, he screamed out as in pulled himself into a ball, arms wrapped around his legs and head in his knees, if he opened his eyes again he would see his hideously stained hands, stained with Jungkook's blood, seeing that again, would probably be the death of him, he alone again, just like how he was before he met Jin, even his surroundings were the same, when the police came at him, accusing him of attempted murder, he froze up and ran, ran as far as his legs could take him, all the way to the outskirts of the city to a small abandoned shack, this place held so many painful memories for Taehyung but also one of the happiest, it was where Jin found him all those years ago, bruised and bloody, Jin came into his life, outstretching a hand that seemed to be bathed in a golden light, it was that hand that warmed up Taehyung's cold life and brought light into his once black existence 

"Taehyung..." he slowly opened his eyes, he could only make out a fuzzy figure before him, he slowly sat up from his slumped over position, he noticed it was dark now
"I fell asleep?"
"Tae.. baby, are you okay?" that soft voice, that gentle hand that was pushing his hair out of his face like so many times before, that hand that brought him warmth 
"Yeah, it's me" Taehyung looked up at him, his face still puffy from crying and being asleep, Jin sat down next to him, pulling his head on his shoulder and continuing to stroke his hair
"Shh, I know- don't talk, just listen, rest" he weakly nodded and closed his eyes again, getting lost in Jin's warm touch
"Jungkook will be okay, he's in the ICU but he's stable" a tear fell down Taehyung's face upon hearing this, Jungkook was alive
"........Yoongi may be dead" and just like that, his breathing stopped, his hope was quickly crushed just as soon as it had gathered 
"It's just speculation, but they found the room he was check into burned down, there was no body but-" Jin deeply sighed and pulled Taehyung into his chest, holding him tight
"I swear to god Taehyung, I won't let anything happen to you, I promised you from the start, I wouldn't let you or Jungkook get hurt, that was deal, Jungkook was an accident I swear, the others- I never expected Yoongi to go that far- Taehyung, I'm going to fix this, I'm going to turn him in, we'll clear your name, he'll rot in jail, we'll be happy again, I'll get my revenge and we can be happy again" 
"Hyung..... Jimin and Hoseok are okay, right?" Jin nodded and rubbed Taehyung's back
"Nothing the hospital can't fix"
"Yeah Tae?"
"I was happy, with the seven of us, I was happy" Jin felt his stomach clench, deep down he knew Taehyung always felt that way, he loved them all like family, but some things in life just couldn't be forgiven, for Jin, his scars ran too deep 
"I know Tae, I'm sorry" 

AN: Ayyyyyy, we learnt A LOT this chapter, what do you think Jin and Taehyung we're talking about? Have your thoughts about who's behind everything changed? We're so close to it ending guys! I'm excited to watch you all as everything unfolds

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