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Jin had stayed at the hospital over time, he hadn't slept and assumed the others hadn't judging by the number of text's he had received, especially from Taehyung, asking how their dear friend was, it frustrated him they he couldn't give them any new updates as they hadn't allowed anyone to see Jimin before they performed a psychological evaluation

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim-" Jin's head snapped up towards the direction of the assisting physician

"Do you happen to have any contact details for Mr. Park? mainly any contact information for any kin" shaking his head Jin sadly answered

"Unfortunately no, he's never really spoken about his parents, all I know is that they're estranged" many of the boys in their group no longer had any contact with their parents, it's how the group was built, Jin took in one rejected boy after the other, he was lucky enough to still be on good terms with his mother, his father however passed away when he was younger, Jin's healthy relationship with his mother didn't mean his life was perfect when he grew up, he was often bullied through his schooling years, often left beaten and bruised and one time even finding himself waking up in a hospital, but he was strong, he moved past all that, perhaps that's why he had a soft spot for the broken boys of the group, Namjoon and Yoongi often teased him for being weak to the youngers but only Jin really knew how they had suffered, he cared for them deeply and would do anything to keep them safe, so to find himself in this situation, waiting for a poor Jimin in a waiting room, it tugged at his heart, tears often welling up in the hours he had been here

"Excuse me, Doctor, how is he?" the mans mouth turned into a tight line before he let out a exasperated sigh

"It's difficult to say at this point, I'm sorry, he's still with psychologists right now, he shouldn't be much longer, thank you for your patience" bowing the doctor left him to return to his familiar seat and continue to wait

"Jimin, please, we need to understand what happened" the middle aged women softly spoke and she looked at the young boy through thin frames

"I don't know what happened, that's what I'm trying to say, it sounds crazy!" Jimin was frustrated and scared, he wanted to go home and knew saying the wrong thing could keep him in the sterile environment

"What sounds crazy? Jimin, I promise you I won't judge you for whatever you say, this is strictly professional" he began to play with his fingers while chewing on his lip before letting out a deep sigh and looking straight at the woman

"I was in the bath, I was relaxing and was thinking about getting out, but then I just- I couldn't move? and then I felt myself sinking, like I was being pulled under by something, and- and then, by the time I could move it was like... It was like someone was holding me under, I had all this pressure on my chest and I just couldn't move!" tears escaped the poor boys eyes as he recalled the haunting situation, humming the doctor looked at the broken Jimin and showed him a soft smile

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Jimin, it sounds traumatic"

"I- I didn't try to kill myself...." his voice was so soft and small and laced with pain as he looked down

"And I don't think you did either" his eyes shot up to meet hers, wide with bewilderment, she stood and placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him

"You're going to be okay Jimin, I believe that much" he smiled back at her, wanting to believe those words more than anything, she proceeded to walk over and speak to the doctor who was in charge of Jimin's care

"I don't think this is anything physiological, more so physical, I'd suggest running a full blood count, testing for any substances and testing his muscle strength" nodding in understanding the pair left the room as Jin entered, both boys looking at each other in relief as Jin ran over and pulled Jimin into a big embrace

"You scared the living shit out of me Park Jimin, don't you ever, EVER, do something like this again do you know how worried everyone is!? Tae literally hasn't stopped texting me-" Jimin softly laughed as he looked at Jin with big eyes and started to cry

"Jimin, no, shh, please don't cry-" He pulled the boy in tighter and rubbed circles into his back trying to comfort him

"I was so scared Hyung, I thought I was going to die" tears welled up in Jin's eyes for the hundredth time that day as he pulled back gripped Jimin's shoulders looking deeply into his eyes

"We're going to get this fixed Jimin, do you understand me! I won't stop until we find out why this happened!" Jimin nodded furiously and returned to hugging Jin

"I love you Jimin, we love you Jimin, don't you ever forget that!" giggling and sniffling the boy nodded into his friends shoulder

"I know Jin, I know"

AN: If people aren't following me they should be, I often ask about what I should do with truth or dare, y'all could of pontetionally found out who was behind everything this chapter but I got no interaction aha >:')
Also 7k reads, wtfffff y'all 

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