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Darkness shrouded the house as night fell, Jimin sat slumped over on the kitchen counter, Hoseok opposite him tracing patterns into it, Jimin's eyes drifted to his phone as he peaked at the screen
"He still hasn't replied, Hyung..." he sighed and dropped the phone back onto the bench and pouted, Hoseok sat up and tensed
"He... probably won't Jiminie, he looked so angry..." 
"Give him time to calm down" Jungkook walked in and headed towards the fridge, leaning in and grabbing some water before closing the door and leaning on it
"I know you guys are all really close but he was way out of line talking to Jin Hyung like that" he scoffed and took a sip of water 
"Spending some time away will probably help him, all he's done is snap at people and jump to conclusions" 
"Given the situation I think a little bit of uncertainty from him should be granted!" Hoseok stood up and sent a glare towards the younger 
"I get that Hyung, but so far all he's done is hurt people" Hoseok clenched his fists and looked at the floor, tears brimming in his eyes as he looked back up at Jungkook with an angry expression
"That's not true!" he shouted, Jimin and Jungkook jolted in their place
"When everyone else thought I was just overreacting and being crazy he was there for me! He never once tried to undermine me, he listened!" Jungkook looked at him with furrowed brows
"What are you even talking about?" Hoseok slammed his fist against the counter top, the boy stood there looking wide eyed 
"See! You have been too self absorbed with yourself and Taehyung to even care about those around you! You know what, maybe Yoongi was right to leave, I.... I thought we were all family but it's now I see how little we actually care about each other" His voice broke and went soft as he used his arm to wipe his tears away and left the room
"Hoseok wait!" Jimin stood up and ran after him leaving Jungkook to stand there feeling sorry for himself the water bottle long scrunched up in the fist he formed

"Hoseok, please wait up!" Hoseok stopped and turned to see Jimin approaching him
"Aish... Jimin, I'm sorry about that back there, I left myself get overworked-"
"Hyung it's okay! You don't need to defend yourself, everyone is emotional right now"
"But still, I shouldn't of taken it out on Jungkook, I feel horrible, I said all those things but here we are concerned for Yoongi and each other we haven't even really checked on Taehyung, it's good that Jungkook has been by his side, I'm just an idiot" he covered his face with his hand before brushing his hair back
"Let's not worry about it right now Hobi, we should sleep on it and deal with Jungkook tomorrow and try contact Yoongi again"Jimin grabbed his hand and led him to their shared room

"One room please, thanks" Yoongi grabbed the key and headed down the long hall towards the motels room, he opened the door and threw his bag onto the bed, dust floating off it at the impact, the place was shabby and run down, the neon light of the sign outside casting in through the curtain less window but he took what he could, he sat on the edge of the dirty bed and looked at his phone seeing the countless messages and calls from Jimin, he dismissed them and let his weight fall back, he lie there looking at the ceiling and sighed, heavy thoughts sat on his mind, it was almost like his brain was clouded with a thick black fog, a fog that only held bad thoughts and anger 
"Fuck" he rolled onto his side and pulled his legs up to his chest, folding in on himself as he rested his head on his knees
"I'm sorry..."

Finally calming himself down Jungkook made his way back to his room where the sleeping Taehyung was but stopped just outside and hid behind his door as he heard whispers coming from within 
"Taehyung.. you have to take this" he could hear small grunts coming from the brunette, almost like he was still asleep, he heard muffled sounds and a lot of movement coming from the sheets beneath Taehyung's body, his curiosity getting the best of him he carefully peeked into the room and saw a figure standing over Taehyung, he couldn't make out who it was due to the dim lighting but his eyes went wide as he saw that a hand was covering the sleeping boys mouth as another caressed his throat carefully while the stranger softly shushed him and gave him praises for being good, the hands were removed and Taehyung's body fell limp again, returning to his sound slumber, the figure sighed deeply and ran his hand through his hair, Jungkook hadn't be spotted but his cover was almost blown when his phone went off, he rushed out of the room and down the hallway, far enough that he wouldn't be spotted but close enough to still be able to see whoever would come out of their room
"Is anyone there?" He heard the voice ask, he recognized that voice, he peeked over the edge of the wall, his eyes went wide again and mouth dropped, a small gasp leaving it
"Namjoon.....?" he waited until Namjoon was long gone and rushed into his room and grabbed Taehyung by the shoulders
"Taehyung! Taehyung! Wake Up!!!" he started to stir in his sleep before waking up and seeing a frantic Jungkook through his blurred vision, he sat up and grabbed his head, wincing slightly at the brief pain
"Kook.. what are you doing? it's 1 am?" he yawned at rubbed his eyes
"Tae are you okay!? What happened!? Why was Namjoon in here!? his hand roamed all over the elders body, pressing and feeling to see if he was harmed in anyway, Taehyung swatted his hands away and looked at him with one brow raised
"What are you talking about? Namjoon was here?" Jungkook's shoulders slumped and he looked at him with even more concern
"You.. you don't remember?" Taehyung shook his head
"No? I've been asleep, did something happen?" How could Jungkook even begin to explain what he has just witnessed, especially if Taehyung didn't have any recollection of it 
"It... it's nothing Tae... don't... don't worry" Taehyung began to press the topic further but stopped as Jin barged his way into the room
"Did you guys get the text yet!?" they shook their heads and reached for their phones 
"What the hell is this!?" 

"Truth or Dare: Min Yoongi, Punishment: Kim Namjoon"

Yoongi reached for his phone thinking it was Jimin trying to contact him again, his face fell blank and defeated as he read the text once again picking himself as a target
"Fuck this" he threw the phone to the floor and rolled over, closing his eyes and trying his best to ignore everything that went through his mind

AN: 18k reads, damn you guys really are something else, thank you so much!
It's sad to say but I stopped wanting to write this story a long time ago, I'm happy everyone is enjoying it so I pushed on for all of you but now I think it's time to start wrapping this story up, so there isn't much left to it, things are finally being put into play and we'll maybe have 10 chapters left? Thank you for staying by me all this time!!

How would people feel about a character death?

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