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Namjoon sat down next to Hoseok, hours had passed since he arrived with Jin, he had received the news that Jungkook had been in an accident and was now recovering the ICU
"He'll be alright yeah?" Hoseok's voice sounded so dull, like there was nothing left within him, he sat there like an empty shell, Namjoon shifted uncomfortably in his seat, thinking about about their little Jungkook, the youngest of them all, just lying there... it made his skin crawl and stomach twist
"Yeah.. I mean... they're assuming"
"Assuming? what does that even mean?" he'd like to say that Hoseok sounded angry as he scoffed but it was more like a tone of defeat
"Well, his condition was, kind of extreme, they're not expecting him to make it out without a little bit of head trauma, he'll most likely have some short term memory loss or something along those lines" a hum came from beside Namjoon
"That's probably for the better, if I had a chose I'd rather forget this shit hole of a week..." a week, is that how long it'd really been? only a week, all this hell and trauma had happened in only a week, no, for Namjoon the damage the everyone around him never stopped, it was like a curse
"Are you really going to do it?" Namjoon looked at Hoseok with concern
"You know.... I just don't really care anymore Joon, I thought I should feel sad about the idea, but is being locked away really so bad? I'll be safe there, nothing can hurt us in there and I can look after Jimin too" he lightly laughed and rested his head over the back of his seat
"Any word from Jin?"
"No, nothing yet- oh" Namjoon pulled out his phone to see a new message from Jin, Hoseok lifted his head and looked in Namjoon's direction
"What it is? did he find Tae?" he nodded and continued to read
"Yeah, he said he's really shaken up by what happened, sounds like he was with Jungkook?" Hoseok furrowed his brows and fully sat up now
"Then why didn't he come in with him?"
"I wouldn't be able to tell you, he just said that Tae's shaken up and that he's taken him home to rest and that they'll be at home waiting for us" with a sigh Hoseok stood up
"Well, I'm not going back-"
"Don't take it that way, I'll say goodbye but- I decided I want to find Yoongi first, I have to know if he's alive" He turned to look at Namjoon with a small smile and teary eyes
"Namjoon, thank you for everything, thank you for being such a good friend all this time and trying your best to look after us, you and Jin... you tried so hard, but sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try, you just can't save everyone-"
"Don't... don't say that Hoseok, I'm not-" Hoseok placed his hand on Namjoon's shoulder and shook his head as the tears fell from his eyes
"You are Namjoon, forget about the past, you were a kid who made some dumb mistakes- don't let them take you down" Namjoon stood there wide eyed
"How did you-" Hoseok shook his head again and placed a finger to his lips
"Goodbye, Namjoon" He watched as Hoseok walked through the wide double doors of the hospital and his fiery orange hair disappear into the night
"Good luck, Hoseok" he deeply sighed and turned to walk towards the ICU, he stood by the window and looked in to see the sad sight of Jungkook lying there, wires and bandages covering his body
"I'll see you tomorrow, buddy" he stuffed his hands into his coats pockets and walked out the door into the cold night air, quickly hailing a cab he made his way home to see Jin and Taehyung

Arriving home, he walked through the door noticing the hall lights were out but the doorway to the kitchen was illuminated and he could heard multiple voices, quirking an eyebrow he slowly walked towards the room and took a peek in, he saw Jin standing by the bench with Taehyung sitting next to him wrapped in a blank, he was covered in dry blood, he looked pale and his eyes were void of any life, Jin on the other hand looked angry as he spoke to others standing across from them, it was then that Namjoon noticed the two police officers standing by their counter, he cautiously entered the room
"Jin? what's going on here?" he softly asked and looked at Jin with a worried stare
"Who are you?" one of the officers asked as he placed his hand by his side, Namjoon's heart skipped a beat, everything about this situation seemed off, he wanted to leave this suffocating atmosphere immediately
"M-My name is Kim Namjoon" he couldn't help but stutter as the sweat gathered on his forehead, both officers looked at each other, knowing looks, they nodded at each other and one carefully leaned towards Taehyung trying to make eye contact
"Mr. Kim... is this the man you saw" Taehyung's eyes went wide, he looked at Namjoon, his eyes held so much sadness as he met the elders eye's, tears started to gather, from the sight alone Namjoon knew the poor boy's heart was breaking, and it was as Taehyung slowly nodded his head and let out a broken "yes" that Namjoon's followed suit, the men stood tall and started their way towards Namjoon
"Kim Namjoon, You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Jeon Jungkook and the assaults on Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung-" they continued to speak but the only thing Namjoon could hear was the ringing in his ears, he looked towards his friends, his vision wavering, becoming blurrier with each passing second, the men moved towards him and he could feel the cold steel shackle around his wrists but at the same time he felt so numb
"Jin..." it was the only word he could get out, it was soft and shaky but he spoke it, surely, like before, Jin was help him, Jin would be the one to save him, like every other time, Jin was his last hope but as he met his eyes, all he saw was the anger and hurt that pooled deeply within them, it was as Jin turned his head away to no longer look at Namjoon that he felt the word around him finally collapse and fall away
"Jin" he spoke a bit louder this time
"Jin! Please" fire built in his chest as he continued to cry out the only name that came to his mind, the tears that rose with each call finally broke as he was led out the door and carefully placed into that cramped car, he looked through wet eyes at the scene in front of him, the bars that hid him from the men in the front, the scenes that flooded past him, were these to be the last time he would see the buildings, the trees, the people, would he only be able to see the cold metal of bars from now on, would he never see his friends again?

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