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The group having moved into the living room continuing to laugh and joke around as they paid little attention to what was playing on the television, the younger pair seeming to have silently ended their argument as they now attacked each other with fake hits and tickles, the elders all laughed on at their antics, clapping and cheering for either side , the laughter died down as Hoseok spoke up

"Hey, Jimin's been a while hasn't he?" the group stopped to look around noticing the still missing presence of the red head

"Hm, yeah you're right, maybe he's just really relaxing?" Jin shrugged his shoulders in a questioning manner, tilting his head slightly, standing Namjoon turned to the door

"I'll go check on him-" He was cut off by the bright hair of Hoseok joining him at his side

"I'll come too, if he's done I want to shower either way" nodding they both headed up to the bathroom gently knocking on the door

"Hey, Jiminie, you okay in there? You've been a while, others need to use the bathroom too" the elder chuckled moving his ear closer to the door, his face fell as he was met by an eerie silence

"Jimin? Are you still in there" his voice was flat now, he felt his heart clench, something didn't seem right, looking at Hoseok he noticed the shared expression of the furrowed brow and worried eyes, leaning forward Hoseok began to knock louder

"C'mon Jimin, just come out, it's getting late, you've been in there for like 20 minutes" they still received no response, eyes flicking back and forth between each other and the door the suddenly heard the harsh sound of water splashing, slamming against the door Hoseok began to bang his fist against it

"Jimin! Jimin! Open up! Jimin are you okay!?" Feeling something was definitely not right Namjoon pulled Hoseok back and kicked in the doors handle forcing the door to slam inward, their sights were met with the mess of water covering the floor and their stomach tightened and hearts sunk as the noticed the frail body of Jimin floating on the water, unresponsive, wasting no time the pair rushed forward, slipping, Hoseok fell and watched as Namjoon pulled the light and fragile body of the boy out of the water and laid him down, yelling his name as he leaned forward placing the side of his head against his chest, his ears began to ring and vision blur with tears as he watched one friend try to resuscitate the other, it was few moments before he was brought back to reality as he saw the youngers head snap his way and saw the angry expression he held

"Hoseok! Get it together, I said call an ambulance or get Jin to, jesus christ, hurry" gathering himself and slipping as he hurriedly got out he ran out of the room missing every second step as he flew into the living room and looked at the confused faces of his friends, he panted and fell to his knees as the words got caught in his throat

"Jimin....ambulance...hurry..." he fell onto his hands and knees as he felt Taehyung rush past him barreling up the staircase and Jin rushing forward placing a hand on his shoulder, the other clasping at his phone as he was already on call to the ambulance, he looked up teary eyed at Jin who continued to give information on where to send help his eyes darting around the room trying to take everything in, his gaze fell next on Jungkook who had stood up but not moved, a tense look frozen on his face, he hadn't noticed his ears had began to ring again until it had stopped and all he could hear were the broken sobs and screams coming from the bathroom upstairs and how quickly Jins mouth relayed the urgency to the dispatcher, getting into a sitting position the next ten minutes seemed to fly past him, Jin had left racing up the stairs to help the tiring Namjoon and panicked Taehyung, Jungkook had moved closer to his hyungs, and he suddenly noticed the small figure of Yoongi sitting next to him, face blank and bored looking as he rubbed circles into the frightened Hoseok's back, though his expression said one thing his eyes told a completely different story, they were glassy and deep, he was ready to break at any moment but he was trying to hold it together for his youngers, Hoseok wasn't sure when they had come by the paramedics were already racing downstairs with a pale Jimin, it was at this moment that Yoongi finally broke as the tears fell and his bottom lip quivered, was it always like this when some tragedy occured? did you lose all sense of time? were you so out of touch that you didn't even remember getting up, not even remembering how heavy each step towards the card felt, would you not even remember holding the small shaking frame of one of your friends as the whispered to themselves that their best friend would be fine, would you not even realise that your own tears stopped as you entered that state of shock, did you know you would feel numb, or would the numbness stop you from realising that you were, surprisingly you don't even notice that you haven't been blinking or breathing until your eyes and lungs begin to burn, taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes he leaned back into the uncomfortable plastic hospital chair as they sat in the waiting room, looking around he had noticed Jin wasn't with them, Namjoon's leg bounced up and down with anticipation, Yoongi and Taehyung had fallen asleep on either side of Jungkook, grown tired from the crying, the youngest of them had remained silent too but the dried stains were as much evident on his cheeks as they were everybody else, his focus was pulled away from them as Jin walked back to them, Namjoon quickly standing and groggy mumbles heard from the sleeping pair as they were woken

"He's okay, he's sleeping now.....they'll be keeping him in awhile......it's uh.... just a precaution, something they deem necessary when they think that....a suicide attempt may of been a cause" Hoseok's ears burned as the words left a heavy pain in his chest, everyone looked over to the small blonde as the words fell from his mouth harshly

"What the fuck do you mean suicide attempt" his facial expression looked furious, Jin softly hushed him and gave him a warm smile

"Calm down Yoongi, we don't know for sure what it was, for all they know Jimin could of just fallen asleep, they're just being careful and thorough, we'll know more once Jimin wakes up, we should be thankful that they're being this antenative" the younger nodded and looked remorseful

"Now, I'm going to stay here a little while longer and sort out some forms and medical.. stuff, you can all go home with Namjoon and get some sleep" nodding they all gathered each other up and headed home leaving the elder to tend to the business side of the situation, as expected, no one could sleep that night, not Taehyung who worried for his best friend, not Jungkook who worried for all his hyungs, not Namjoon who finally let the tears he held back escape and not Hoseok who was reminded of the night every time he rolled over and his sight landed on Jimin's empty bed...

So that happened, double update because you didn't actually think I'd just leave you on that right aha

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