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"We'd like to run some more tests but aside from that I think he should be fine to go home by tonight, I'd just keep an eye on him and contact your local doctors if anything odd arises" bowing Jin thanked the doctor and they parted ways, heading back to Jimins room he re-read the test results he had previously been handed, a large scowl covering his face as he scrunched the paper up and threw it in a nearby bin

"Jin Hyung! Morning" Jimin happily greeted his friend as he sat up in the hospital bed
"They said I can go home today, I'm so happy" he smiled widely at the other, seeming much more relaxed than he had the previous day
"What did the tests say Hyung?" a silence washed over them before Jin smiled at the younger and ruffled his hair
"Nothing Jiminie, you're all clear, it was probably just your muscles having a spasm, you should be more careful with dancing from now on, I want you guys to stretch and cool down for atleast twenty minutes!" Jimin couldn't help but smile at his nagging hyung, seeing Jin act like his normal self filled him with a sense of safety, he couldn't wait to finally head home and see the others again, it felt like he'd been here forever

Arriving back at the house Jin and Jimin entered the kitchen whilst talking and laughing
"Hey guys! Look who's back!" Jin moved his hands the dramatically show Jimin off who beamed at the group but only gathering the attention of a few before their heads snapped back to their previous direction, the pair stood straight and looked at each other
"Guys?" They both looked at the group in confusion who they now noticed had their gazes planted on Taehyung
"Jin..." the small broken voice of Taehyung croacked out, without hesitation the elder rushed over and immediatly cupped the youngers face starring deep into his concerned eyes
"What is it? What's wrong!?" Taehyung let out a small whimper as Jin's hold had tightened, letting out a small sorry he let go and stepped back only for Taehyung to hand him his phone, unlocked and opened up on a particular message

"Kim Taehyung, Truth or Dare? Punishment, Kim Seokjin"

Jins eyes grew wide as he read the message, bottom lip trembling and he muttered under his breath
"How...how?" he looked back up at Taehyung who quickly shook his head back and forth while biting his bottom lip and holding back tears
"This shouldn't be-"
"I know..." the younger whispered back, the two forgetting they weren't in the room alone
"Why us...?" Jin softly spoke placing the phone on the counter
"Why any of us!?" Yoongi snapped out gaining everyone's attention
"Seriously, this is messed up!" the room fell silent once again
"Do...do I have to reply?" Taehyung spoke up, Jin softly sighed and rubbed his arm nodding
"Tae, I'm sorry but you have to, we don't want anyone getting hurt but it seems like more likely for that to happen if you don't" it was Namjoon's turn to speak up now
"If you don't reply... they could hurt Jin" Taehyung felt the weight of the world fall on his shoulders as he picked up his phone
"What...what should I even pick?" He looked around with worried eyes at everyone
"Don't think about it Tae, just choose what feels right..." Jungkook gave him a weak reassuring smile and watched as the elder took a deep breath and typed his response, hitting send and holding his phone tight while waiting for a reply, the message tone brought everyone to alert, sitting or standing straighter, the room quickly became tense as he lifted his phone to read the message aloud

"Kim Taehyung, Truth or Dare? Punishment Kim Seokjin"
"Dare - Tell them about the drug"

"What...?" He softly let out but soon the entire space was filled with questioning words and scared anger
"What the hell does that mean Taehyung? What drugs" Namjoon seethed out and glared down the younger
"What the fuck is going on Tae!?" Yoongi was quick to jump down his throat right after, Jin and Jimin trying to hold the emotional males back as Jungkook and Hoseok dragged a confused and shaken Taehyung to his room in hopes of the situation settling

AN: Not proof read, its 4am here but I felt bad for not updating! Hopefully its alright, maybe Ill update more tomorrow!!! We're already half way to 10k thank you guys so much 💖

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