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No ones reading this but I'm going to post what I've already written anyway aha


After finishing dinner the group had moved into the living room where they had settled down and were peacefully chatting and watching television, the peace sometimes disturbed by Hoseok's and Taehyung's loud laughs as they shared images between themselves or by Yoongis soft grunts as he slept against Jungkook and across Namjoon who was reading and occasionally looking at his phone for the time, just as he'd reach for his phone again he heard the familiar clicks of the front doors lock and the quiet noises of Jin and Jimin entering the house, Namjoon cranked his neck in order to look over the lounge towards the door way as the two boys popped into sight, carefully moving Yoongis legs from his lap he stood up and walked over to the side table and placed his book down welcoming Jimin to take a seat next to Yoongi who readjusted his position and was now leaning against Jimin who softly lay his head against the elders and also closed his eyes, Jungkook got up allowing Jin to sit down and joined the other two comedic acts on the floor, Namjoon joined Jin sitting beside the family sofa in a recliner and sharing his stresses of the day with the eldest of the group

Slowly catching onto the arrival of the last few of the group Taehyung jumped to his feet and rushed over and sat on both Yoongi and Jimin causing them to jolt forward and for one to curse the younger, excitedly Taehyung held a hand of each boy in his own and started bouncing up and down, Jimin and Yoongi could only let out pained noises and whine for the boy to stop and get off

Jin and Namjoon softly smiled at the scene and Hoseok laughed walking towards the moment to save his brothers from the hyperactive Taehyung

"Jesus Tae, what is with you?" Jimin whined at his friend, being pulled off by Hoseok, Taehyung went and sat back down with Jungkook holding his knees against his chest and grinning at the whining Jimin

"It's Friday and everyone is home!" He beamed and showed his cute smile to the crowd, quickly catching on Yoongi let out a sigh and Jin softly turned towards him

"Tae... We all worked long today, how about we do it tomorrow night" Jin spoke to him in the softest way but it didn't stop Taehyungs face from falling into a broken frown, he looked down at his knees, watching his friends head fall in defeat Jungkook piped in "So what's the difference between tonight and tomorrow night? You're busy over the weekend regardless" unexpected by the younger Taehyung looked up with his mouth slightly agape "C'mon, you guys can manage one small game, we barely get any family time" his big doe eyes piercing Jins soft look, Namjoon turned away fearing the gaze would burn a hole into him, Jimin and Yoongi exchanged tired looks and sighed, Hoseok jumped down beside Taehyung and put an arm around his shoulders obviously knowing that Jungkook didn't want this night for himself but for Tae "I agree" he showed off his famous heart shaped smile causing a slight dimple to form "I know you guys are old but you have to look after the kids!" he laughed at his remark but was quickly stopped as a cushion hit his face

"We're the same age you idiot" Namjoon retorted lowering his arm from the action he performed

"Okay we'll have one short game. but only because you're right and we have been a bit neglectful" Jin sternly spoke trying not to let the feeling of guilt hitch in his speech, Hoseok and Taehyung turned to each other and let out sounds of excitement, they had won the others over, Yoongi closed his eyes again and his brows furrowed, Jimin just nodded and slapped his hands against his thighs

"Okay then, any ideas?" He spoke looking at the group sitting on the floor "Tae, didn't you say you wanted to play truth or dare?" Namjoon directed his gaze to Taehyung who looked at him with a blank expression

"No, what, that's so du-" Jungkook started but was quickly cut off by Taehyungs loud sound as he remembered his suggestion from earlier "OH! Yah! I did~" His eyes lit up as he thought about it

"Oooh, Yeah let's play that, who knows what we'll find out" Hoseok bit his lip and smiled suggestively shifting his gaze from person to person as his eyes circled the room

"Hobi don't be creepy" Jimin laughed at his idiotic friend

"Can we just get on with it please, I'm tired" Yoongi softly spoke as he places his head on the back of the lounge brushing his platinum blonde hair back, Jin turned his sight away and looked at Namjoon and slapped his hand and gave him his signature mother look which caused Namjoon to shyly look down and put his phone away as he moved and sat in front of Jin's feet leaving the recliner for Hoseok to sit in

"Who's going to start first?" Jin asked as he clapped his hands together

"Well it was Tae's idea, how about we start with him" Jimin suggested

"Right then, Jimin you go first!" Jin pointed at him, Yoongi still with his eyes closed let his mouth move into a smirk

"Wait, wha-" Jimin started to ask but was stopped by Jin as he was asked truth or dare "So truth or dare?"

"Fine, Truth" he sighed in annoyance and slumped against the couch allowing his red hair to fall into his eye before blowing it away

Jin shifted his head side to side as he thought hard on what to ask, he scrunched up his nose as he struggled to think

"Ah! Okay I got one" everyone's attention was on him, his cheeks puffed up a bit as he started

"So, Jiminie, is it true that when you eat mochi its technically cannibalism" He burst out laughing as collect groans and sounds of questions were heard from the group

"Jin you're so bad at this-" Jungkook pressed his fingers to his forehead

"What kind of a question is that!? what the hell, no that's not true" Jimin had jumped up from the shock of the elder's odd question, sensing his annoyance Yoongi grabbed the small boy and gently pulled him back down towards his side "Now it's your turn Chim, pick someone" huffing in frustration with his eyebrows furrowed he picked Hoseok

"Hope, truth or dare?" everyone looked over anticipating what he would choose puffing his chest out and placing is hand on his hips the orange haired male proudly responded with dare

Jimin smirked at his response, it was no doubt, even if you were in a bad mood Hoseok had the ability to make you smile again

"Okay, I dare you to... Do a handstand blindfolded" Jimin looked over locking eyes and raising his eyebrows

"Is that all, seriously? I thought it was meant to be a dare not an everyday activity" He boasted as he walked towards Namjoon who had taken off his headband allowing strands of his ash blonde hair to fall down which he quickly pushed back up and let them settle into the rest of his hair style Hoseok quickly completed his dare but not before landing and hitting his knee on the coffee table before sitting back down

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and shouting as one after the other the boys took their turns in the game, without realizing it they had played well into the night and it was almost 12am, finishing the last of the dares the boys collected themselves and headed to their rooms ready to sleep

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