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Jimin sat silently next to Jin as they spoke to the representatives of a clothing company that had asked the boys to do some promotion of their new line, Jimin hated the clothes but Jin was persistent in it being a good idea and a good image, but no matter what he couldn't concentrate on the conversation, his mind constantly drifting to thoughts of the messages he received, he was suddenly stricken with a sickening feeling and quietly excused himself to use the bathroom, Jin stood up and held him by the arm looking concerned and asking if he was okay, Jimins face had drained of colour as he tried to reassure is hyung that he was fine and was only feeling a little ill, Jimin walked to the nearest bathroom as fast as he could, he walked in and fell against the sink counter, leaning over it to support himself, he turned the water on and splashed his face, maybe he shouldn't of turned down Jins meal this morning, feeling slighty better he reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out, his hands slightly shaking he re-read the texts over and over trying to figure anything out, eventually he got the nerves and replied

"Who is this?" he waited patiently for a reply, he didn't have to wait long however

"Park Jimin, Truth or Dare?" Jimin frowned, again with this dumb thing

"What does that even mean!?" He texted back and stared hard at his phone as if his thoughts of hurry were answered another message came through "Park Jimin, Truth or Dare? Punishment, Min Yoongi" Jimin was now furious "What punishment! Why Yoongi? What did you do to Hoseok!?" Jimin wanted, no, Jimin needed answers, if this was a prank it wasn't funny anymore, once again his phone vibrated as he received his third message

"Kim Seokjin, Failed, Punishment, Jung Hoseok, Punishment, Corruption. Park Jimin, Truth or Dare? Punishment, Min Yoongi, Punishment, Undecided" Jimin bit down on his lip causing little drops of blood to form, he was angry, so angry, what did they mean by corruption, he swore if anything had happened to Hoseok whoever was behind this wouldn't see another day, he'd had enough

"Leave us alone or we'll contact the authorities, we've had enough of your stupid games!" He locked his phone and bowed his head letting out a deep sigh, he closed his eyes but they jolted over and landed on his phone which was resting on the countertop and was vibrating against it, you can't be serious, even after he threatened them, he grabbed his phone to see an all too familiar message, one he was too sick of reading

"Park Jimin, Truth or Dare?" Finally having enough Jimin replied with Truth and threw his phone back on the countertop burying his face into his hands and pulling his hair back, he stood there with his eyes closed as he tried to calm down, he was finally calm enough to head back to the meeting, he reached for his phone just as it went off with another message notification, Jimin hesitated to grab it realizing what it could be, he stood there, hand hovering over his phone, he felt sick again, he softly picked up his phone and opened the messaged

"Park Jimin, Truth... Would you risk your own life to save his? Punishment, Min Yoongi, Time Remaining, 3hrs" Jimin stood there, paralyzed, what kind of dumb question is this, risk my life? to save his? who is he? I don't understand, confusion washing over him, Jimin quickly replied

"Save who's life? Who do you mean by his?" Jimin stood there, once again waiting, the familiar patterned repeated and he once again looked to see what he had received

"Truth... Would you risk your own life to save his?" Jimin locked his phone and shoved it back into his pocket, he was scared all of sudden, he thought about the message over and over again, he felt panic arise, it made him feel worse than he already did, he ran towards the bathroom door again going to open it but it opened inwards towards him before he could reach the handle, Jin stood there with a worried expression on his face

"Jimin here you are, I was worried, are you okay? the meeting is finished now I didn't decide anything withou-" Jimin interrupted him before he could finish

"Hyung I messed up bad, you told me not to and I did anyway and now I don't know what it means and it's given me this timer and what if it's a serious question what if my life or someone else's really is in danger, I don't know what to do I can't handle this right now hyung, please you have to help me" Jimins words came flying out, he spoke so fast half of his words melted into each other, Jin rushed forward and grabbed him by the arms

"Jimin, stop! breathe for crying out loud, calm down okay, just slow down and tell me what happened" Jimin slowed and tried to pace his breathing, he slowly started to talk again

"Hyung I replied to the text" Jins eyes opened in anger

"Jimin, I told you not to! what the hell did it say" Jimin rushed to grab his phone and showed Jin

"Hyung, I don't know what to do what does it mean" Jin studied the text, his eyes furrowed in a mix of emotions

"So, what? you just have to answer this within a time frame? okay that's not so hard right and even if you don't it's just a dumb text let's not pay mind to it-" Jimin was quick to speak once again

"Hyung it says Yoongi will get a punishment? Do they mean, that if I fail to reply they'll punish him? I can't have Yoongi get hurt because of me? or someone else they mentioned this other-" Jimin had begun to ramble again, Jin wasn't sure what to do anymore, the only thing he could do was pull Jimin into his arm and stroke the back of his head trying to calm him, once Jimin had calmed down a bit he softly pushed him away and looked into his eyes

"Chim, let's just settle down for now, go home and we can talk about it calmly there, okay" Jimin gently nodded and took some deep breathes, the two boys exited the bathroom are started walking towards the car park, Jin had tried to remain calm for Jimin, but he was worried, after reading the texts and thinking about it more he remembered the previous messages Jimin had gotten

"Truth or Dare? Kim Seokjin, Failed. Punishment, Jung Hoseok" The words flew through Jins mind, had he failed because he didn't reply? what did a fail even mean, did Hoseok get hurt because of him, the memory of Namjoon telling him about Hoseoks nightmare fueled his mind, what did the message mean by corrupted? He wasn't sure what any of this meant but he had a deep feeling in the pit of his stomach, he would be keeping a close eye on Jimin and Hoseok from now on

AN- I decided to update like wow, this is a long chapter, I'm sorry :')

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