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"We have to find him!" 
"Jimin, wait up!" Hoseok ran after the short red head, trying his best to keep up as they ran down the street
"Dammit, Jimin!" he watched as Jimin's frame threw itself around the corner, throwing his hands behind his head Hoseok tried his best to regain is breath before he started off again, he neared the corner and saw a desperate Jimin come out of the small club
"They haven't seen him, Hyung!"
"That's okay! we can keep looking" he spoke in between his gasps for air, Jimin fidgeted in his spot, feeling anxious and unnerved
"Jimin, just calm down okay" he let out a sigh as his shoulders slumped, he and Hoseok had been looking for Yoongi for the better half of the morning, searching every business he frequently visited while Seokjin and Namjoon look at the local studio and Taehyung checked all the nearest hotels with Jungkook, after they had all received the text they had each tried to get in contact with Yoongi but were all met with the same result of being sent straight to his voicemail, not knowing how he reacted to the messaged was killing the group, Yoongi was temperamental in his right mind but now he currently felt hurt and betrayed by his friends, who know's what reckless decision he would make, if he would choose to put himself or Namjoon in danger 
"Come on Jimin, let's keep looking"

"He hasn't checked in since the day with us" Seokjin clicked his tongue against his teeth and nervously chewed on his thumbnail as Namjoon came out of the studio
"Is this the only studio you guys use?" he sighed and nodded
"We haven't used any other studios for months, I'm not really sure if it would be worth checking out the old ones" 
"It will be worth it if it leads us to Yoongi" Seokjin walked ahead and pulled Namjoon along by his coat as they hailed a taxi, they sat in uncomfortable silence, the ride seeming too long for the task at hand
"What is it?" Seokjin sat there, cross legged and arms crossed, an annoyed vibe sat heavily around him, Namjoon on the other hand sat there like a stone statue, his atmosphere read as awkward and nervous
"You're not... upset with me... are you?" Seokjin let out a low sigh he didn't know he was holding 
"You know it's not my fault-"
"I know Namjoon, I'm not annoyed at you, I just wish.... I wish Yoongi hadn't just run off so recklessly, he's put himself and other's in danger" Namjoon only nodded and relaxed a little 
"If anything  happens to him... I don't know, I know we don't seem close, but I'd still bad, I don't want to lose anyone"
"Yeah, I hope he's okay"
"You know how it feels to lose friends, right Namjoon?" Namjoon turned to Seokjin, his eyes wide and face is shock 
"Come on we're here" not wasting a second he was out of the car leaving the younger to sit there confused before he followed behind 
"Joon, I think you should go ask, I've never been here they may find it suspicious" 
"Uh, yeah right, wait here then" Seokjin nodded and watched as Namjoon entered the building

"Just how many motels and hotels are in this town" Jungkook groaned out 
"Do you think Yoongi had enough money for this fancy place?" the younger shrugged his shoulders
"I dunno" he followed Taehyung toward the counter and stopped slightly behind him
"Hello Sir, has anyone by the name of Min Yoongi checked in here?" 
"I'm afraid not, Sir" a defeated sigh fell from the boys lips
"Well, if he does can you contact us on this number? thank you!" the pair turned and walked out of the hotel 
"This is getting to be pointless, do you think the others have had any luck?" Taehyung shook his head 
"We probably would of heard from them if they did" the two boys sat down by the side of the road, they had all been looking for Yoongi for hours without any luck, Jungkook groaned and leant on his knees 
"If I were a Min Yoongi where would I go?" Taehyung tapped at his chin 
"pft, somewhere no where would find me" Jungkook rolled his eyes
"......I mean... you're not wrong" they continued to sit, thinking of anywhere Yoongi could of gone 
"Do you think he went home?"
"All the way back to Daegu? I don't think so, and for Yoongi, well... he doesn't really have a home there anymore"
"Maybe we were thinking too high? like maybe we should be thinking shabby?" Jungkook snapped his fingers and jumped up, Taehyung quickly following along, both feeling reinvigorated 
"Highway motels are pretty cheap right??" the younger quickly nodded along and with that they set off to check the dingiest motels that sat in the heart of downtown

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