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Yoongi sat there, waiting for what felt like forever before his phone finally buzzed notifying him of the message

"Truth.... Would you give them up to get what you want?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and made a clicking sound of annoyance, slipping his phone back into his pocket Yoongi made his way out of the kitchen and headed for the living room but not before his face met the hard chest of Jungkook who had come rushing downstairs in a flurry of anger, stepping back Yoongi looked into his eyes and saw the hurt portrayed in the deep black, mumbling a quick sorry Jungkook tried to push past him but was stopped as the elder grabbed his wrist

"Kook wait-"

"What do you want, hyung!?" the younger snapped and harshly whipped his wrist away from the others grip

"I just wanted to talk to you about the other nigh-"

"There's nothing to say, leave me alone" Yoongi stood there defensivly, raising his hands as Jungkook began to storm off

"Alright, fine then" the mumbled words he left did not fall flat on the youngers ears as he stopped in his tracks, shoulders tensing and fists forming

"You know what, no, it's not fine" turning he marched back to Yoongi standing close enough that their chests would be touching if either of them leaned in

"You messed up Hyung! You were a real arragont asshole, Taehyung did nothing wrong, he was only trying to look out for his friends and you were rude, mean and you hurt him, I can understand that you were frustrated and acting irrantionally, but it's the fact that no matter what, he's just going to brush it off and forgive you even without you aplogoising, that's what pisses me off, how easy it is for people to just walk all over him and because he's so god damn nice, he just forgives everyone and he always will because you're his special Hyungs!" Yoongi stood there wide eyed, Jungkooks heart was in the right place, he was only looking out for his friend like the other had done the same previously to him, Yoongi didn't blame, if he needed to vent he would let him, the tension in the air was filled with the rushing of footsteps down the stairs and Taehyung came flying down trying not to fall over his limbs

"Kookie, don't do anything bad" panting as he caught up to them he shifted his body to be slightly inbetween the two acting as a mediator

"Tae, he wasn't-" Jungkook once again cut him off with a scoff, nostrils flaring

"What you thought I was going to do something bad to him? damn, I thought you knew me better" he pushed passed the pair and stormed back upstairs

"Jungkook, wait, no, that's not what I meant" Taehyung shouted after him and looked at his hyung with wide sorrowful eyes, Yoongi sighed

"Go on, I can't fix this, it's about you guys now" the younger mouthed a thank you and chased after Jungkook calling his name, returning to his endevour Yoongi made his way into the living room and sat down, he quickly became lost in thought, what did he want? Fame? Family? Friendship? Success? He wanted it all, but would he give up any of the other boys for it? No, ofcourse he wouldn't, thinking about it more he realised, he had friends, in fact they were more like his family, would fame really make him any happier then they did? No, he didn't think so, and if having these people in his life didn't show his success, then he was happy with being a failure, so in the end his answer was simple, no, he wouldn't give them up, not now, not ever and not for anything, smiling he pulled out out his phone

"Truth.... Would you give them up to get what you want?"

"NO, now fuck off" throwing his phone on the other side of the lounge he threw his head back into the cushions and closed his eyes

"Dealing with this shit is exhausting" Yoongi managed to fall asleep rather quickly, he didn't hear Jungkook entering the room, staring at his Hyung he deeply sighed and approached him pulling up a blanket and covering the elder with it

"You'll catch a cold, idiot"

"Kook-" He spun around bringing his finger to his lips motioning for Taehyung to keep quiet, the other returned a soft smile and nodded leaving the room, Jungkook shortly following after


AN: Finally an updateu, thank you guys for being so paitent and a huge thanks to @joonies_hoe94 for giving me the suggestion for the truth question and for being a dedicated reader, bless you ;-;

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